I’ll call your bluff: my provincial medicare program pays for drugs for terminal illnesses; thus, chemotherapy drugs are 100% covered with no direct cost to the patient, and no limits to the coverage.
In contrast to that, your American HMO plan will have a lifetime limit to the amount you can claim. Where Saskatchrewan medicare might pay $35,000 annually for a patient’s chemo drugs for a s long as needed, your Wealth management Organization might pay $350,000 annually, and after your million-dollar limit is up, it’s “have a nice death,” and any other plan you buy won’t cover chemotherapy because of pre-existing conditions. Yeah, free enterprise for the win – as long as you’re a major shareholder.
I’ll call your bluff: my provincial medicare program pays for drugs for terminal illnesses; thus, chemotherapy drugs are 100% covered with no direct cost to the patient, and no limits to the coverage.
In contrast to that, your American HMO plan will have a lifetime limit to the amount you can claim. Where Saskatchrewan medicare might pay $35,000 annually for a patient’s chemo drugs for a s long as needed, your Wealth management Organization might pay $350,000 annually, and after your million-dollar limit is up, it’s “have a nice death,” and any other plan you buy won’t cover chemotherapy because of pre-existing conditions. Yeah, free enterprise for the win – as long as you’re a major shareholder.