I have a feeling pasta is on the dinner menu. “Food Species,” for lack of a better term, are in a lot of danger in Brewster’s universe. Isn’t Cliff always eating the donut people, and didn’t Brewster make chicken soup out of the leader of the chicken people? They need to start wearing signs or ID tags or something.
Flash Gordon almost 9 years ago
Ravioli = Italian pirogi. Pirogi = Polish ravioli.Invented by Doctor Laszlo Pirogi (played by Barry Ziggy Stone)
Bilan almost 9 years ago
But V is probably jealous of Angelina Hair
Steven Wright almost 9 years ago
It’s genetic Ravioli, don’t believe me? Look at his little brother Tortellini.
freewaydog almost 9 years ago
The Planet of the Pasta Puns!
Space_cat almost 9 years ago
Ravioli: “You think I’m fat? Have you seen Manicotti lately?”
Ray_C almost 9 years ago
Vermicelli would look dapper with a bow tie.
ChessPirate almost 9 years ago
Pastis Pennes perfect pasta people pun, probably?
paullp Premium Member almost 9 years ago
I have a feeling pasta is on the dinner menu. “Food Species,” for lack of a better term, are in a lot of danger in Brewster’s universe. Isn’t Cliff always eating the donut people, and didn’t Brewster make chicken soup out of the leader of the chicken people? They need to start wearing signs or ID tags or something.
#1SurferGirl almost 9 years ago
@Flash Gordon: and Kreplach is the Jewish version of both!
SunflowerGirl100 almost 9 years ago
You wouldn’t like The Restaurant at the End of the Universe then.