MARG! There’s a show Monday nights EST called“Navajo Cops” on National Geographic channel aboutreservation police forces. You might enjoy it. It’ssupposed to be rerun this Saturday night too at10:00 PM EST.
The two meek nurses hovering ominously like the Fates (two of them, anyway), the hugely inflated balloon-like Doctor (are we sure that he isn’t just blocking the wind from getting to Broomie’s sails?), and our little dejected green heroine—I love it all!
margueritem almost 13 years ago
At least they could cover blowing a little hot air at her.
Good morning LB.
Llewellenbruce almost 13 years ago
Broomie’s too old even to get Medicade.
MARG! There’s a show Monday nights EST called“Navajo Cops” on National Geographic channel aboutreservation police forces. You might enjoy it. It’ssupposed to be rerun this Saturday night too at10:00 PM EST.
Sisyphos almost 13 years ago
The two meek nurses hovering ominously like the Fates (two of them, anyway), the hugely inflated balloon-like Doctor (are we sure that he isn’t just blocking the wind from getting to Broomie’s sails?), and our little dejected green heroine—I love it all!
Arianne almost 13 years ago
Zap someone, Broomie! That’ll make you feel better. I believe in you! (Clap, clap,clap)
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 13 years ago
i am so there Broomy. and i’m not1500 years old.
coffeeturtle almost 13 years ago
Don’t worry. You’ll get your second wind.
boldyuma almost 13 years ago
A shot of B-12 vitamin(or Penicillin) should clear
things up..
travburg1 almost 13 years ago
A couple of cans of pinto beans should put wind back into her sails!