Inhumane conditions
Roughing it.
Broomie Grylls?
Back in the 1960s the running joke among me relatives was “roughing it, meant staying at a hotel that only had black & white TV’s and no room service”
How do hunting with a camera & releasing fish indicate not being a rugged outdoor person? I’ve known some pretty rugged people who choose to do that.
I like camping and hiking (though as I get older, I appreciate a hotel room). I have never shot an animal, and certainly not for sport. I don’t fish. If that doesn’t make me an outdoors person … oh well.
I like camping only if I can lock the door….
Reminds me of my ex-wife. For her, “roughing it” was no room service.
A motel without internet? Rugged!
I remember saying that my idea of roughing it was staying at a Holiday Inn without cablevision. Is that giving away my age?
Wow! That’s really roughing it, our tough little green witch!
The Premium Member over 5 years ago
Inhumane conditions
wldhrsy2luv over 5 years ago
Roughing it.
Nachikethass over 5 years ago
Broomie Grylls?
h.v.greenman over 5 years ago
Back in the 1960s the running joke among me relatives was “roughing it, meant staying at a hotel that only had black & white TV’s and no room service”
archipelago Premium Member over 5 years ago
How do hunting with a camera & releasing fish indicate not being a rugged outdoor person? I’ve known some pretty rugged people who choose to do that.
cdward over 5 years ago
I like camping and hiking (though as I get older, I appreciate a hotel room). I have never shot an animal, and certainly not for sport. I don’t fish. If that doesn’t make me an outdoors person … oh well.
Zebrastripes over 5 years ago
I like camping only if I can lock the door….
KTB over 5 years ago
Reminds me of my ex-wife. For her, “roughing it” was no room service.
A R V reader over 5 years ago
A motel without internet? Rugged!
tkcoker over 5 years ago
I remember saying that my idea of roughing it was staying at a Holiday Inn without cablevision. Is that giving away my age?
Sisyphos about 5 years ago
Wow! That’s really roughing it, our tough little green witch!