Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for September 27, 1988
Calvin: Is the martian still out there? Hobbes: I'll take a peek. I don't see him. He must have hidden. Calvin: Hidden?? Do you think he's scared of us? Hobbes: Why not? We're scared of him. Calvin: Yeah, but we're just ordinary earthlings, not weirdos from another planet, like he is.
futzyone over 13 years ago
Calvin, Calvin, Calvin… You need to look at it from HIS point of view/perspective
comicguy666 over 13 years ago
yeah yeah correct futzyone you may be ordinary to you but at his perspective you are weirdos from another planet
Jyot Saini about 13 years ago
Not to mention a crazy kid with a huge vocabulary who pulls of stupid life-threatening stunts with an oversized idiot talking tiger.
albud83 over 11 years ago
Well put.
bmonk about 11 years ago
Calvin, remember you ARE the aliens in this case. He’s at home.
yow4zip Premium Member about 11 years ago
I like Hobbes’ peek in panel two.
Me2times. over 6 years ago
Oh, the irony…