Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for April 01, 1993
Calvin: Aaugh! The peanut butter is ruined! You're supposed to scoop one half straight down and then dig out the other side from the bottom, so part of the top remains undisturbed until the very end! Mom: What on earth for? Calvin: It's a ritual! You have to keep the top of the peanut butter smooth! Mom: Maybe you should make your own sandwiches. Calvin: If you can't control your peanut butter, you can't expect to control your life. Did you cut the bread diagonally?
renrutnagrom almost 12 years ago
Complain! Complain! Complain!
Sambalabama Premium Member over 11 years ago
This changed how I ate peanut butter for years.
Xalder about 10 years ago
What? But… gravity…
BlaqueKat almost 10 years ago
So picky, that Calvin. Lol
weatherford.joe about 7 years ago
I used to do that with my peanut butter, but the top part would always eventually collapse, so I stopped bothering.
yow4zip Premium Member over 6 years ago
Great food maxim in panel 4.
josh_bisbee about 6 years ago
From the position of the knife in panel 3, he did get his diagonal cut
lalapalooza Premium Member about 1 year ago
i have total control of my peanut butter.. i grind the peanuts myself.