Mom: I ordered the two tons of tenderloin... Butcher: Oh yes, drive around to the loading dock and I'll get the forklift. Mom: Calvn, lunchtime! Calvin as dinosaur: Mayonnaise?! I like mustard! Mom: Maybe you should fix your own triceratops sandwich.
LadyBlanc over 11 years ago
She should also order it from a wholesaler. I hate to think of what she paid at the grocery store.
the calvinosaurus that calvin wanted to discover over 8 years ago
all that meat and she says “triceratops sandwich”
yow4zip Premium Member over 4 years ago
A very finicky dinosaur.
RandomLantern445 about 4 years ago
If it is a Triceratops Sandwich, shouldn’t she cook the dinosaur?
Hobbes is the best I'm also pro Susie... almost 4 years ago
the rare no reality strip