On no if Calvin saw Rosalyn’s face he be more determine actually its the opositise if Rosalyn seen Calvin’s face.
Actually the two would tie for faces.
Get on the phone and call Moe, Calvin’s friend from school. His gently persuasive manner will convince Calvin to return the papers and even dive in (voluntarily, of course) after the flushed sheets.
Calvin might also want to think about and secure any alternate ways into the bathroom. Fun to watch Roz all frazzed because she just doesn’t quite get it – something about catching more flies with honey. At least she stopped calling him names. Also too bad Calvin hasn’t learned to handle that other bully in his life (Moe I think) with the same finesse.
As much as I love Roz, its still her fault. She let her guard down around Calvin and she should have know better. Its not the first time she dealt with him. But on the bright side, her spending money will go way up with her new fees!!!!!
Considering the look on her face in the first two panels, Captain Roz will now get out the torpedoes and blow the bathroom door off of its hinges. Her looks are priceless….
margueritem almost 15 years ago
Firing one!
MontanaLady almost 15 years ago
On my mark…………………
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ almost 15 years ago
Yikes! Calvin can’t be trusted.
carmy almost 15 years ago
I’m surprised she hasn’t broken the door down yet.
horizon1129 almost 15 years ago
love hobbesieeee :)
WoodEye almost 15 years ago
Ready! Shoot! ……. Direct hit!
sjoujke almost 15 years ago
Oh boy …. when she gets the door open, it won’t be the notes being flushed.
Pacejv almost 15 years ago
Aaaaoooga, Aaaaoooooga, dive! dive! (Get that screendoor off my sub.)
bigCandHfan almost 15 years ago
Easy Cal easy.. you dont want to exhaust all the pages before you place ur demands!!
Yukoner almost 15 years ago
Calvin, do you want gray or pink marble for your tomb stone?
Wiseguy411 almost 15 years ago
Calvin, have you ever heard of a swirly ???
whims almost 15 years ago
Nice play, but what’s his endgame?
thirdguy almost 15 years ago
strategy doesn’t seem to be Calvins strong point!
Colt9033 almost 15 years ago
Demands of staying up late. Seems to valid strategy, specially when he shows he means business. It won’t end well for you, but that life & war.
Dkram almost 15 years ago
Yukoner said, about 4 hours ago
“Calvin, do you want gray or pink marble for your tomb stone?”
I was thinking two Granite slabs with Calvin in between.
ronaldmundy almost 15 years ago
no marg, it’s fire two…….remember yesterdays flush?
COWBOY7 almost 15 years ago
Even ole Hobbes is pushing this one! Very unusual.
GROG Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Take no prisoners, Calvin.
bald almost 15 years ago
will both calvin and hobbs be flushed when Ros kicks down that door?
tune in tomorrow and find out
same C&H time same C&H channel
mexdr1958 almost 15 years ago
This is a chess game. Kasparov Calvin has Roz Fischer where he wants. Checkmate in 4 moves (4 daily strips). It is just my prediction, folks.
cleokaya almost 15 years ago
Calvin & Hobbes are two of a kind with a royal flush.
CaraMartelli almost 15 years ago
So, Calvin’s parents don’t have cell phones? Just threaten the kid with calling them, duh!
GROG Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Melissa, Fortunately, cell phoes weren’t out yet when this was first published.
midiranger almost 15 years ago
Melissa – cell phones were not so common in the 80’s when these strips were drawn.
Carmy – Watterson knows how to draw out the suspense … lol
keltii almost 15 years ago
this is one game of battleship that won’t go so well i thinks,,
goferrari28 almost 15 years ago
Firing Number Two!
fran650 almost 15 years ago
And the cost of baby sitting Calvin goes up by the page.
aldridgeg almost 15 years ago
Time to go out back and cut a switch there, Calvin
yakkafoobmog almost 15 years ago
Ha ha, looks like Rosalyn has allowed school to interfere with her education, unlike Calvin (and Hobbes too).
haryotomo almost 15 years ago
Calvin will pay for that…for sure…
lazygrazer almost 15 years ago
Calvin, the last of the Kamikazes…
kab2rb almost 15 years ago
On no if Calvin saw Rosalyn’s face he be more determine actually its the opositise if Rosalyn seen Calvin’s face. Actually the two would tie for faces.
Ooops! Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Wildmustang1262 almost 15 years ago
Calvin will be very SOOOORRRRRYYYY so he will be punished for flushing the babysitter’s notes in the john.
mrslukeskywalker almost 15 years ago
I love how the paper is almost as tall as Calvin is. This makes Calvin about 14” tall.
Rosalyn really isn’t as adept with children as she’d like to believe she is. Keep teaching her Calvin!
shakeswilly almost 15 years ago
Rosalyn, Get on the phone and call Moe, Calvin’s friend from school. His gently persuasive manner will convince Calvin to return the papers and even dive in (voluntarily, of course) after the flushed sheets.
twistedmonkey almost 15 years ago
Wait for it…”Hobbes is using your notes as toilet paper Rosalyn!” FLUUUUUSSSSSHHHHHH! That’s all the strategy Calvin needs silly humans.
FlyingFish almost 15 years ago
I’d be careful, Calvin. These things can turn ugly: http://www.switched.com/2008/11/14/why-you-should-never-try-to-steal-a-law-students-laptop/
ChukLitl Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Agree to all of his demands, get your notes back, then double cross the little %$#@!
lindz.coop Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Calvin might also want to think about and secure any alternate ways into the bathroom. Fun to watch Roz all frazzed because she just doesn’t quite get it – something about catching more flies with honey. At least she stopped calling him names. Also too bad Calvin hasn’t learned to handle that other bully in his life (Moe I think) with the same finesse.
Poladog almost 15 years ago
As much as I love Roz, its still her fault. She let her guard down around Calvin and she should have know better. Its not the first time she dealt with him. But on the bright side, her spending money will go way up with her new fees!!!!!
khpage almost 15 years ago
Considering the look on her face in the first two panels, Captain Roz will now get out the torpedoes and blow the bathroom door off of its hinges. Her looks are priceless….
jtomd96 almost 15 years ago
I don’t think that she got the door down, otherwise there wouldn’t have been anymore calvin and hobbes.
ratlum almost 15 years ago
If he is flushing papers down the tube each flush weakens his negotiations . He had better start thinking about life after the last flush.
moronbis almost 15 years ago
Why is Rosalyn so stubborn??
Fin3cy6 about 13 years ago
why can’t rosalyn go downstairs and blast open the toilet pressure vault so the toilet cant flush?