Yes, Hobbes’ attempt at damage control is rather lame. I would have taken the “suggestion” as strong advice, as Calvin did. Hobbes (Lucy) has some ‘splainin’ to do!
its cause thats how they stop run away trucks on down hill straightaways. there will be a turn off that is full of gravel and only goes 60 feet or so. at the end the gravel is a few feet deep
We loved the huge arm covering scabs, fun to show off like battle ribbons not to mention the fun of picking them off to which all the girls would scream “yuck” and run away not that we would ever, ever have wanted to irritate a girl….at 65 I have found this to be a lifelong quest…think I may be winning too…want to see MY scabs from that journey….?
<< Yesterday, Puddleglum2 wrote: “@Hobbes, Thank you for the response, but you took the comparison quite a bit farther than I had intended” (etc.) >>Hi PuddleglumI was only kidding. I was responding with a one-liner in the style of Hobbes, as I try to do sometimes. Part of the humor in my response was intended to be the infinite contrast between God seeing and knowing everything, and a confused little kid not seeing his baseball and not knowing where it is. Another part of the humor was intended to be the act of taking you literally when you had not intended it that way. But since you were unable to see my expression or hear the inflection in my voice, you weren’t sure whether I was being funny or being offended. It’s one of the serious limitations of a forum like this one.Thanks for the book recommendation. I have seen quotations from Phillips’ book but have never read it. J. B. Phillips’ paraphrase of the New Testament used to be popular, but I don’t see modern references to it. Of course, the paraphrase “The Living Bible” was published later, as well as so many new translations. Phillips wrote his paraphrase at a time when the King James Version was still very heavily in use, and in particular he had young people in mind, who had difficulty understanding the “King’s English.” “The Living Bible” covered the entire Bible, and it was also published in paperback under the titles “The Way” and “Reach Out.” Those two titles had pictures of young people on the cover and were targeting the same young audience as Phillips’ paraphrase.
Hobbes (the commenter): (This is in response to something you said a couple of days ago because I wasn’t online to do it yesterday.)
Forget about the “Load The Rest Of The Comments” function. That doesn’t bother me near as much as something else we use to have that I really miss. I wish they’d restore the function button that would let you go back and correct something you just posted that you now want to change for whatever reason . . . whether it’s to add something, delete something or do something else somewhere in-between! I wrote to GoComics about it but I never heard back from them. Guess they didn’t like that particular suggestion very much.
Hi GretchensMomThere are pros and cons with the editing function. It’s nice to be able to fix typos after the fact, but when we had the old system, I remember some times when a poster went back and changed something substantially after other people had already responded to it, causing the responses to not make sense after that. So, if I had to choose, I would keep the new system.Maybe a better system would let posters change what they have written, but only for a few minutes after it is posted, the way LinkedIn does it.Whenever I post more than a line or two, I’ve gotten in the habit of copying it to the clipboard just before I post it. Then if it doesn’t look right, I immediately delete it, paste from the clipboard into a new posting, correct it, and post it again.
@Hobbes,I clarified just in case…I know of what you speak. It happens to me, too. It’s the risk we take when trying to make humorous comments.Carry on(ward)!
Proving true, once again, that rarely do we suffer the consequences for our poor ‘suggestions’. Think before you offer advice..“Who will pay the price for our recommendation if followed?”
minamahal over 13 years ago
Hello Everyone
margueritem over 13 years ago
A bad suggestion…
LLABDDO over 13 years ago
Does Bactine come in a 5 gallon pail?
Green Pieces over 13 years ago
Hobbes 1 Calvin 0
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ over 13 years ago
Nothing more painful than gravel…
pouncingtiger over 13 years ago
Calvin should maul Hobbes for that one.
rentier over 13 years ago
Sometimes Hobbes is so realy nice!
Wiseguy411 over 13 years ago
Well … Calvin did stop.
Commentator over 13 years ago
I saw a skiing kid zoom down the hill like that once. Had a really scared look on his face. The snow was kinder to him than Calvin’s gravel…
Phapada over 13 years ago
Maybe ….. Hobbes do not intend to…. ha ha haa
musicnut1986 over 13 years ago
Skating away on the gravel of a new day. Calvin should be philosophical about these things.
GROG Premium Member over 13 years ago
Not one of your best, Hobbes.
Morganeee over 13 years ago
the exact same thing happened to me when I was younger…
Puddleglum2 over 13 years ago
Yes, Hobbes’ attempt at damage control is rather lame. I would have taken the “suggestion” as strong advice, as Calvin did. Hobbes (Lucy) has some ‘splainin’ to do!
spamster over 13 years ago
its cause thats how they stop run away trucks on down hill straightaways. there will be a turn off that is full of gravel and only goes 60 feet or so. at the end the gravel is a few feet deep
Hobbes Premium Member over 13 years ago
Today, Calvin and Hobbes remind me of Charlie Brown and Lucy:Peanuts (1957)
Brockie over 13 years ago
We loved the huge arm covering scabs, fun to show off like battle ribbons not to mention the fun of picking them off to which all the girls would scream “yuck” and run away not that we would ever, ever have wanted to irritate a girl….at 65 I have found this to be a lifelong quest…think I may be winning too…want to see MY scabs from that journey….?
Hobbes Premium Member over 13 years ago
<< Yesterday, Puddleglum2 wrote: “@Hobbes, Thank you for the response, but you took the comparison quite a bit farther than I had intended” (etc.) >>Hi PuddleglumI was only kidding. I was responding with a one-liner in the style of Hobbes, as I try to do sometimes. Part of the humor in my response was intended to be the infinite contrast between God seeing and knowing everything, and a confused little kid not seeing his baseball and not knowing where it is. Another part of the humor was intended to be the act of taking you literally when you had not intended it that way. But since you were unable to see my expression or hear the inflection in my voice, you weren’t sure whether I was being funny or being offended. It’s one of the serious limitations of a forum like this one.Thanks for the book recommendation. I have seen quotations from Phillips’ book but have never read it. J. B. Phillips’ paraphrase of the New Testament used to be popular, but I don’t see modern references to it. Of course, the paraphrase “The Living Bible” was published later, as well as so many new translations. Phillips wrote his paraphrase at a time when the King James Version was still very heavily in use, and in particular he had young people in mind, who had difficulty understanding the “King’s English.” “The Living Bible” covered the entire Bible, and it was also published in paperback under the titles “The Way” and “Reach Out.” Those two titles had pictures of young people on the cover and were targeting the same young audience as Phillips’ paraphrase.
bluegirl285 over 13 years ago
Well, I was going to suggest steering into someone’s kiddie pool, but this idea’s better.
kab2rb over 13 years ago
Calvin you have breaks on roller skates. You do like playing rough.
NE1956 over 13 years ago
Never listen to a stuffed tiger.
littlejeff over 13 years ago
Well, it works for eighteen-wheelers!
BanjinTsuki over 13 years ago
If Calvin is like me, he will have those scars well into his 30s.
BJIllistrated Premium Member over 13 years ago
Good one Hobbes :-)
Destiny23 over 13 years ago
He should’ve grabbed Hobbes on the way by and used him for an air bag!
Gretchen's Mom over 13 years ago
OUCH!!!!! That stop really had to have hurt!
Calvin, when Hobbes told you to find a gravel driveway to fall down on, I’m pretty sure he meant your rear-end . . . not your face!!!!!
cleokaya over 13 years ago
Hobbes did provide Calvin with a means of stopping and this all Calvin asked for. A safe and comfortable means is another matter.
Gretchen's Mom over 13 years ago
Hobbes (the commenter): (This is in response to something you said a couple of days ago because I wasn’t online to do it yesterday.)
Forget about the “Load The Rest Of The Comments” function. That doesn’t bother me near as much as something else we use to have that I really miss. I wish they’d restore the function button that would let you go back and correct something you just posted that you now want to change for whatever reason . . . whether it’s to add something, delete something or do something else somewhere in-between! I wrote to GoComics about it but I never heard back from them. Guess they didn’t like that particular suggestion very much.
sai994oer over 13 years ago
Hobbes Premium Member over 13 years ago
Hi GretchensMomThere are pros and cons with the editing function. It’s nice to be able to fix typos after the fact, but when we had the old system, I remember some times when a poster went back and changed something substantially after other people had already responded to it, causing the responses to not make sense after that. So, if I had to choose, I would keep the new system.Maybe a better system would let posters change what they have written, but only for a few minutes after it is posted, the way LinkedIn does it.Whenever I post more than a line or two, I’ve gotten in the habit of copying it to the clipboard just before I post it. Then if it doesn’t look right, I immediately delete it, paste from the clipboard into a new posting, correct it, and post it again.
bahramthered over 13 years ago
Calvin should consider himself lucky. Same problem and I broke my arm.
Number Three over 13 years ago
Awwwww, Poor Calvin..
squirrel500 over 13 years ago
DerkinsVanPelt218 over 13 years ago
Peppy: Use the brake!
ratlum over 13 years ago
Running off the track on to gravel to slow down dose not work if your on a bicycle, I know that.
Nebulous Premium Member over 13 years ago
It worked, didn’t it?
vwdualnomand over 13 years ago
or, he could steer into the gravel, and don’t fall down. that stops f1 cars.
khpage over 13 years ago
Calvin’s voice will have a certain “gravel” quality to it for a while….his attitude towards Hobbes will be stone cold, methinks….
bill johnson over 13 years ago
was that your BEST idea!
Koolfunkygrrl over 13 years ago
gravel hurts!!
oh well……
Puddleglum2 over 13 years ago
@Hobbes,I clarified just in case…I know of what you speak. It happens to me, too. It’s the risk we take when trying to make humorous comments.Carry on(ward)!
rogue53 over 13 years ago
Proving true, once again, that rarely do we suffer the consequences for our poor ‘suggestions’. Think before you offer advice..“Who will pay the price for our recommendation if followed?”
arye uygur over 13 years ago
What happened to the Sunday edition of C&H??
W6BXQ, John over 13 years ago
It’s now just past 9:30 AM EDT and still no Sunday strip!?!?
Mythreesons over 13 years ago
HOBBES (commenter) is either Mr. Watterson, or he works at Gocomics. How else would he know the future, i.e. what strip would have been published???
Radical_Knight over 13 years ago
It works for runaway cars and 18-wheelers on Tennessee hills.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 13 years ago
Howdy Rad! How are you?
gofinsc over 13 years ago
A telephone pole works well too.
anniebodyhome about 13 years ago
How about grass.
slimbrownweed about 13 years ago
real smart hobbs
Priyarocks about 13 years ago
heehheeheheheheh poor calvin!
rsa-ga7 almost 12 years ago
Calvin should never listen to hobbes
Larry da crocodile almost 4 years ago
That is what trucks do if their brakes fail on a high way.
aldusnms 7 months ago
jump into the road and get hit by a car!