Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for August 15, 2014
Woman: Welcome to the Harbor Bed and Breakfast! I have Irving and Vivian in Room 3, and Cathy and Electra in Room 4. Rooms are $130 each for humans... and we charge $10 each for dogs. I'm sure you understand. Irving: Of course. Vivian: Dogs are a lot less trouble.
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
Hey, they Actually made it to the B&B in One Piece! I was wondering how the cartoonist was going to handle Cathy and Irving going on a trip together… ;)
summerdog86 over 10 years ago
It’s a good thing that they have separate rooms. They would end up killing each other before morning.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 10 years ago
She has been going with the bozo for years and the don’t share a bed?!
rowena28 Premium Member over 10 years ago
Why do they have separate rooms?!?
gobblingup Premium Member over 10 years ago
Congratulations on your 7,000th comment, rgcviper!! Thanks for coming here and making us smile, friend!
Gretchen's Mom over 10 years ago
It’s just as well they arranged to have separate B&B rooms ahead of time. After all the hell they went through just getting there to begin with, one of those two humans would have been coming home in a body bag if they had all shared one room together for the next 6-7 days!!!!! ;-)
Hi, rgcviper! Congrats on your 7000th comment! I’m only at 4439 now and given that “Cathy” is practically the only place I really have anything to say on G.C., I’ll probably be dead long before I get to MY 7000th comment!!!!! ;-)
lightenup: Awesome, Girlfriend!!! You beat me to it today!!!!! :-)
Olongapojoe & rowena28: Don’t forget. This comic originally appeared in the comics section of the family newspaper back in the day. It had to be kept clean for all the little kiddies out there reading it . . . which means that adults who weren’t married to each other didn’t share a bed together. Personally, I find their lack of cohabitation on this little “family vacation” to be quite refreshing!!!!! ;-)
Hello and Happy Friday, fellow “Cathy” fans. Hope everyone had a really nice day today. Hooray . . . it’s the weekend again!!!!! Premium Member over 10 years ago
Interesting — my Sociology & Anthropology students (more than one) used to ask me when married people in America started sleeping together in the same bed — because all they had seen was reruns of Ozzie & Harriet and I Love Lucy who, even tho married, did not ever sleep in the same bed.
And yes, Congratulations rgcviper!!
rgcviper over 10 years ago
I think they may be on to something here.
Thanks, all, for the congratulations. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else for a milestone like that.
HI, MOM. Happy Friday, “Cathy” Clan, and have a nice weekend.