It looks like Donna failed to heed the advice of her best friend and even the stylist who was going to be the one cutting her hair. (Crying with a paper bag over her head is an ominous turn though JB could still surprise us somehow.) Perhaps she ought to have turned to the internet where the search terms “haircut” and "regret’ draw over 2.3 million articles 0.15 seconds, the bulk of which seem to revolve around coping with this very scenario after the fact.
This same thing happened to me when I was 17. Although it was sort of my mom’s fault that I ended up with a horrible ‘do. She insisted that I go to a fancy advanced hairstylist’s class and have it cut there because the price was so great. The stylist was busy cutting it to impress the teacher instead of listening to me. I cried and cried in the salon bathroom for 2 hours, upsetting my stylist, the teacher and the other stylists. Rightly so… Then I went home and put a bag over my head when my boyfriend came over.
MachalaMan over 10 years ago
Great sight gag would be if she took off the bag and had a dew that looked just like his!
Sisyphos over 10 years ago
NOOOO! Donna, why didn’t you listen to my advice? Now it’s going to be wig-time!
AlnicoV over 10 years ago
It looks like Donna failed to heed the advice of her best friend and even the stylist who was going to be the one cutting her hair. (Crying with a paper bag over her head is an ominous turn though JB could still surprise us somehow.) Perhaps she ought to have turned to the internet where the search terms “haircut” and "regret’ draw over 2.3 million articles 0.15 seconds, the bulk of which seem to revolve around coping with this very scenario after the fact.
NWdryad over 10 years ago
This same thing happened to me when I was 17. Although it was sort of my mom’s fault that I ended up with a horrible ‘do. She insisted that I go to a fancy advanced hairstylist’s class and have it cut there because the price was so great. The stylist was busy cutting it to impress the teacher instead of listening to me. I cried and cried in the salon bathroom for 2 hours, upsetting my stylist, the teacher and the other stylists. Rightly so… Then I went home and put a bag over my head when my boyfriend came over.
ChrisV over 10 years ago
That’s it, Donna, keep that bag on your head until it grows back to the length it was!