Chuckle Bros by Brian and Ron Boychuk for May 28, 2016

  1. Missing large
    K M  over 8 years ago

    Reminded of a verbal part of a trucker exam (you buy the premise, you buy the bit). Examiner postulates the following: “You’re headed down a mountain road when your brakes fail. There’s no pull-off anywhere along the side of the road. Next to you, another semi is trying to pass. Coming up the hill, you see a third semi; and a fourth semi is trying to pass him. What do you do?” Examinee replies, “I wake up my friend Bubba.”Examiner looks around the room at other officials grading this examinee and finally asks, “Who’s Bubba?” Examinee replies, “Bubba’s my relief driver. And he ain’t never seen a crash like this one’s gonna be!!”

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