Clay Jones for June 27, 2024

  1. Th marvin da martian
    Flashaaway  7 days ago

    Let’s see America lecture the world on law and order after this.

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  2. Large screenshot 2024 06 07 at 3.05.00 am
    Psilocybin Fernensis  7 days ago

    FBI staged the whole photoshoot…the FBI are terrorists.

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  3. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  7 days ago

    IMO, She’s bought and paid for… in her own mind if no other way. She’s 100% committed to support of the orange mistake. Also a particularly poor judge generally, but that’s another issue.

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  4. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 7 days ago

    Loose-y, you got some ’splaining to do.

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  5. Me4
    Guy from southern Indiana  7 days ago

    It would be more accurate to replace her U.S. flag with the Confederate flag.

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    wildthing  7 days ago

    Since there’s not going to be a trial maybe someone should hack Jack Smith’s laptop and release his evidence to the public!

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    akachman Premium Member 7 days ago

    Why is she still on the bench? She needs to be removed for incompetence.

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    RitaGB  6 days ago

    LOL — jury from The Villages! Is there a place to park their slimy golf carts?

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    Direwolf  6 days ago

    And as soon as there’s an opening she will be raised to the “supreme” court by trump.

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    gigagrouch  6 days ago

    Thank you for not feeding today’s stupid troll

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    rs0204 Premium Member 6 days ago

    At first, I gave her the benefit of the doubt—she was a new Judge and inexperienced. Now, I am wondering if she is corrupt. Doing what she is doing in hopes of an appointment to a second Trump Administration?

    When the Chief Judge for your area tells you you should pass a case on because you aren’t ready for it, and she takes it anyway, how else are you supposed to read that? Even that would be understandable, but time and again, she goes out of her way to find ways to delay the case. That smells funny, like three-day-old fish in the sun.

    I think there needs to be an FBI investigation into Judge Cannon, who she’s been dealing with, and a deep dive into her communications.

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    GiantShetlandPony  6 days ago

    This is what you get from the fascist Confederate Federalist Society.

    The question is, was she just easy to buy, or what dirt do they have on her? Perhaps, both?

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  13. Rays
    TampaFanatic1  6 days ago

    Good point about “The Villages” Clay! That geriatric enclave is packed full of alt-right Boomers and a few older GenX-er’s (anyone over 55). The Trumpster and DeSatan have captured essentially a 70+% super majority when the results are tabulated from the 3 counties which it is spread across in elections from 2016 onward. It is blue-hair central with an average age pushing 70. I guess the one good thing about The Villages is that a super majority of its residents transplants are from places like MI, WI, IA and other rust belt states. These ckers would likely vote deep red where they are from, so by voting in FL instead, perhaps it can help the Repubbas lose a few races up in the battleground states of the rust-belt. Here in FL the media always says the dems are in a toss up race every election cycle but when the results come out, the **ing repubbas usually win by a few percentage points. Either the media is cooking the books on the poll #s for ratings or the people surveyed are suffering from the “Bradley Effect”. Nonetheless that female judicial tool over in Port St Lucie is doing everything in her power to get the Trumpster off of the hook which is in all honesty a crime against humanity. Sadly we have not seen her locked up for incompetence, bias, blatant disregard of the constitution and simply being an alt-right tool.

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    Chazz  6 days ago

    Someone needs to take her gavel and spank the brazenness out of her. I like the kool aid Temu comment!

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    rlaker22j  6 days ago

    what happened to the rat

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    Teto85 Premium Member 6 days ago

    Temu sells judges now? I would not put it past them. ROTFLMFAO.

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    piper_gilbert  6 days ago

    When you say Trump’s Judge, everyone knows who you’re talking about.

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    ncorgbl  6 days ago

    Cannon should be impeached and removed from the bench.

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    Ally2005  6 days ago

    Loose cannon forgot her red magat hat but I’m sure she has on her “I’m with Felon45” t-shirt on under her robe.

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    marloucrisp Premium Member 6 days ago

    I’ve been doing business with TEMU for some time and am completely happy with their products, prices and service.

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  21. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  6 days ago

    Off-topic, but the debate is tonight (and I missed yesterday…..) On some other toons, the dishonest trolls are spouting the nonsense that Biden will be given the questions in advance, “like Hillary.” Only imbeciles and lunatics could possibly believe this BS. Clinton prepped for the debate knowing which were the most pertinent issues of the time, like any intelligent person. (Traitor Trump, of course, has no intelligence, no honesty, and no patriotism.) Traitor Trump and his evil cult members seem to think that Biden prepping for the debate is some kind of outlier, but any candidate for any office, local, state, or federal, who will engage in a debate will prepare, if he has the brains God gave a radish. You know, like all the Republicans in the 2024 primary debates—the ones Traitor Trump was FAR too cowardly to participate in.

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    ragsarooni Premium Member 6 days ago

    She’s waited all her life for her “15 minutes” of fame…..

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    Zuhl's Wife  6 days ago

    Thumb on the scale? (snort) Heck, she’s -sitting_ on the scale.

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    pamela welch Premium Member 6 days ago

    Clay! This is so funny — LOLOL

    Temu = lowest quality of the available quantity; such an apt description of Cannon

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  25. Large screenshot 2024 06 07 at 3.05.00 am
    Psilocybin Fernensis  6 days ago

    You said I wouldn’t show up after the debate….hahahahaha

    #SwapJoeOut is trending on leftwing twitter right now.

    Joe sounded sickly and on death’s door. His eye were whacked out, he looked confused and scared most of the time. Blabbering incoherent nonsense.

    Joe Biden has a 6 handicap in golf? hahahahahahahaha

    Don’t nobody believe that bs.

    Dude, Trump dominated this weakling, actually sounded like a normal person, instead of that senile waste Biden sounded like.

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    GiantShetlandPony  5 days ago

    Typical. Fern leaves out Traitor the Felon Trump didn’t answer a signal question and lied the entire time. Maybe Repubs should clean their house, before trying to comment on anyone else’s.

    Biden did remarkably well for someone who obviously has a cold. He likely didn’t wan to mention it, remembering how when Hillary had pneumonia the Repubs went on and on how she was hiding an illness and going to die soon. Yeah, she’s still alive, well and a thorn in Traitor the Liar Trump’s side.

    BTW, Hillary was right about everything, especially Putin’s Puppet Trump.

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