When teaching my kids to drive, I told them to always assume the other driver is going to do the worst possible thing, and think about how they would react to it. I told them 1, they aren’t the only idiots on the road, and 2, we all do dumb things while driving, myself included.
Stormrider2112 almost 12 years ago
Self-defensive driving course?
J Short almost 12 years ago
He’s getting some grill work.
Poollady almost 12 years ago
Looks like Road Rage to me!
jack fairbanks almost 12 years ago
the best defense…
battle of plattsburgh almost 12 years ago
She wears boxing gloves while driving in order to eliminate her urge to text while driving.
Jeff0811 almost 12 years ago
When teaching my kids to drive, I told them to always assume the other driver is going to do the worst possible thing, and think about how they would react to it. I told them 1, they aren’t the only idiots on the road, and 2, we all do dumb things while driving, myself included.