Baldo by Hector D. Cantú and Carlos Castellanos for July 04, 2013

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 11 years ago

    Feliz cuatro de julio, todos.

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  2. Night ranger
    night ranger  over 11 years ago

    Have a Merry Independence Day !!

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    JoanHelen  over 11 years ago

    Happy Independence Day to all Americans. We are in the middle of winter here in the southern hemisphere. Enjoy the fireworks and the festivities.

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    Kvasir42 Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Gasp! You mean Hispanics, and other immigrants (and children or grandchildren or great-grandchildren of immigrants) love this country too? They aren’t just here for the free welfare system? I never would of thunk it. (And I am being extremely sarcastic.) Nice sentiments in the strips. We need to quit demonizing those who are newly arrived, and those who have been here for generations (and helped settle the land).

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    pampam  over 11 years ago

    :-) Happy 4th everyone!

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    Lyons Group, Inc.  over 11 years ago

    Now take that, twitter bigots! HAPPY FOURTH everyone!

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    morningglory73 Premium Member over 11 years ago

    I have been discovering that most all the folks that read and enjoy the comic strips are really good people. Thanks to all of you and the comic authors too who think up these cartoons. Bless you all.

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    DaveBNM  over 11 years ago

    @Ash…Why not Kumbaya?

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    fortyrod1  over 11 years ago

    Just one small issue with this today’s strip: please ask the gentlemen to remove their hats during the National Anthem.

    Thanks, and have a great day.

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    shaffran  over 11 years ago

    The men should have removed their headgear… just sayin’…

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    danlarios  over 11 years ago

    have a happy and safe 4th of july everyone

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    Comic Minister Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Good job guys!

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  13. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member over 11 years ago

    My maternal grandmother lived most of her life in the U.S. without having learned English, without having assimilated one bit, certainly without having become a citizen. And you know what? During WWII one son was in the Army Air Corps, the other was in the Navy, and the daughter (my mother) worked in an arsenal making bullets.

    I say let every decent, honest, hard-working immigrant in. America was better for it in the past and will be better for it in the future.

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    TlalocW  over 11 years ago

    After all the racist heat that Sebastien De La Cruz got for singing the National Anthem during the NBA Finals, the only thing that could make this strip better would be if they were all holding boxes of Cheerios.

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  15. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member over 11 years ago

    American immigration law, even without its historical taint of racism, treats individuals as members of groups and thus violates individual freedom. These “illegals” are no worse that the Americans who took up drinking during Prohibition or who drive 10 MPH over the speed limit — just a minor infraction.

    Just because something is the law doesn’t make it right. Otherwise we would never have rebelled against (among other things) British taxation, and we’d still be singing “America” (AKA “My country, ’tis of thee…”) with the words “God save the Queen”.

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    Bassrox Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Better than Lady Gaga. Great strip!

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    Jungleman  over 11 years ago

    Happy Independence Day … and as for a distinguished son of a Spanish immigrant that took his share in the American Revolution, see

    Enjoy! :)

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    Jungleman  over 11 years ago

    For the Spanish-born father that fought for his fledgling country, see

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    hippogriff  over 11 years ago

    AshburnStadium: It is barely older than I am. It was forced on us by the military in 1932. The tune, To Anachrion in Heaven, is a drinking song and one would have to be half potted to attempt it. M’Henry was hardly a great battle. It prevented the taking of Baltimore, but they already had New York, Philadelphia, and Boston, and would burn the public buildings in Washington as the US had done earlier in York. The fourth verse (conquer we must) has made more enemies than anything prior to post-1960s aggression. .coraryan: Very few living in this country came here legally. Most are descended from invaders or from those let in by descendants of invaders. That includes quite a few who walked over, as well.

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    K M  over 11 years ago

    Well done, Baldo and family! At least they’re singing the National Anthem in English and celebrating with an American flag, not trampling the American flag on the ground and hoisting a Mexican flag (as a bunch of upstart high school kids did [in Texas, IIRC] a number of years ago on the 5th of May). I have no problems with legal immigrants who assimilate into American society. I’m married to one. It’s the ones who expect to maintain their foreign identity and demand we support their welfare lifestyle that drag on me. And they also drag on numerous other legal immigrants I know, such as my wife.

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    hippogriff  over 11 years ago

    Rich Grise: You m ay worship something similar, but MR. OBAMA, TEAR DOWN THIS WALL!!!

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    gcarlson  over 11 years ago

    THE U.S. street that has had the most sons killed in action during military service is in a Mexican neighborhood in Silvis, IL. I think it started out as 2nd St. or something similar, but was renamed Hero St. a few decades ago. (My first score or so of tortillas came from Tony’s Grocery there)

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    mafastore  over 11 years ago

    Ashburn stadium – Husband and I agree with you. What most people do not know is that the music for the song is taken from a drinking song – “To Anacrim on high” Very big in Colonial Williamsburg and with reenactment group to sing that version (for non SSB occasions) for fun.

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