"It's amazing the kind of visual an old computer can project."
I dumped a tray of type under one of them. My dad had a process for color coding the face of the brass that would survive the temperature of molten lead. 6 of those at Ryerson Press was a sweat box.
Thanx for the memory of Grampa, linotype operator for the Rocky Mountain News, also now deceased.
August 30, 2014
Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe about 11 years ago
I dumped a tray of type under one of them. My dad had a process for color coding the face of the brass that would survive the temperature of molten lead. 6 of those at Ryerson Press was a sweat box.
ChukLitl Premium Member about 11 years ago
Thanx for the memory of Grampa, linotype operator for the Rocky Mountain News, also now deceased.