Frank and Ernest by Thaves for May 19, 2014

  1. Beautiful tree and river1
    TREEINTHEWIND  over 10 years ago

    Frank doesn’t know how to use a computer anyhow……………….

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  2. Beautiful tree and river1
    TREEINTHEWIND  over 10 years ago

    I had a teacher like that…………. he would forget what he was supposed to be teaching…………..

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  3. Bike avatar
    dwpbike  over 10 years ago

    “who” is the subject

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  4. Missing large
    lmonteros  over 10 years ago

    At a 2:1 student-teacher ratio, spartan classrooms don’t matter!

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  5. Missing large
    lmonteros  over 10 years ago

    Ah, English! Such a precise and imprecise language at once.

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  6. Felipe
    Strod  over 10 years ago

    Yes, but unfortunately there are always new people here who may not be aware of @Nabu’s horrendous track with presenting made-up facts. Some of them may in fact be mislead into believing him, particularly since he always uses that fake authoritative tone in his posts.

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