Geech by Jerry Bittle for March 18, 2018

  1. Missing large
    jmworacle  over 6 years ago

    Total cost for the call: $25.95 $20.00 for labor, $4.00 for the knowledge to connect, and $1.95 to do the connecting.

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  2. Construction coffee
    sml7291 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    The two most basic troubleshooting questions:

    1 – is it plugged in?

    2 – is it turned on?

    But, of course, you did still have to make sure you were testing the right thing! And you can apply the same two questions too almost all troubleshooting (if you don’t take the questions quite so literally). Even as a system & network admin I used those same questions. over and over again. Many problems were resolved by answering one or the other (correctly!).

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  3. Little b
    Dani Rice  over 6 years ago

    One of our doctors used to bring his children to the office on weekends. One Monday it appeared that all of the computers were “broken”. Turned out the little cherubs had dialed down the brightness on all of the monitors until they were black. He did have the grace to look abashed – but he still let his kids play in the office on Saturdays.

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