Shoe by Gary Brookins and Susie MacNelly for March 02, 2010

  1. Phil b r
    pbarnrob  almost 15 years ago

    Sounds like my $300 1984 Tercel; strictly a ‘transportation module’, it gets me from A to B. No glamor a’tall!

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  2. Veggie tales
    Yukoner  almost 15 years ago

    pbarnrob - them’s the best kind.

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  3. Missing large
    Pacejv  almost 15 years ago

    Main thing…it is paid for.

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  4. Missing large
    Llewellenbruce  almost 15 years ago

    That’s not the original radio antennae on the clunker.

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  5. Opus45
    poppy1313  almost 15 years ago

    The old Desoto is getting in bad shape… Back in January it was looking pretty good

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  6. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member almost 15 years ago


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  7. Native hemp co 10 678x1024
    *Hot Rod*  almost 15 years ago

    Don’t leave the keys in and unlocked while your doing your business….Of couse who wouldn’t know the real owner.

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  8. Dsc00254  2
    ronaldmundy  almost 15 years ago

    poppy, you think smoke rollin’ out from under the hood is looking better? boy, have i got a deal for you!

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  9. Large pumpkin in window
    Dkram  almost 15 years ago

    Prof. Cosmo Fishawk has his De Soto.

    Jack Benny had his Maxwell.


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  10. Missing large
    jrbj  almost 15 years ago

    Pretty soon he won’t have to worry about getting rid of his DeSoto. It will just self-destruct on it’s own. But the pink is disturbing. The only pink cars I remember were for people who made a certain quota selling Mary Kay products. Does Cosmo have a feminine side?

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  11. Large tv test pattern  color
    Lyons Group, Inc.  almost 15 years ago


    …and the Beverly Hillbillies had their truck.

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  12. Kitty at sunset
    wicky  almost 15 years ago

    And I have my 1974 240Z.

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  13. Missing large
    puddleglum1066  almost 15 years ago

    Sounds like my 20-year-old Harley with a whole lotta miles, a bit o’ rust, a couple dents, a few oil leaks and a fair amount of road slime. My anti-theft system is to park it next to a nice shiny clean new one. Works fine so far…

    jrjb: pink (technically “salmon”) was actually a pretty common car color in the 50s. My dad owned a salmon-colored ‘57 Plymouth Belvidere (which looked a lot like the Perfessor’s DeSoto), and nobody asked if he worked for Mary Kay. Cars were in general more colorful (and more shapely) in those days (sigh)…

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  14. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  almost 15 years ago

    Well, he’s right. No one would steal it! Everybody knows that ride.

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  15. G0440857
    Rise22  almost 15 years ago

    I still have my 1982 Chevy LUV diesel pickup I bought new. It STILL gets 40 mpg…never getting rid of it - it will have to rust and fall apart around me.

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  16. Opus45
    poppy1313  almost 15 years ago

    Here is a pic of the Desoto without smoke rolling out from under the hood…

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  17. White persian kitten
    Iwa Iniki  almost 15 years ago

    …….so is my car.

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  18. 071506marvin the martian
    Mark Berte Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    Re ‘feminine’ car colors; and perhaps related to tailoring to female car buyers: Chrysler through Dodge division in the mid 1950’s marketed a special option on the Dodge Custom Royal Lancer called the “La Femme.”

    Colors available included “For 1956, Dodge replaced the Heather Rose and Sapphire White scheme with a Misty Orchid and Regal Orchid color scheme.”

    By the way, the cars could and were ordered with the famous first generation “D-500 Hemi” engine capable of up to 250+ horsepower. Could one of these have gotten the “Little Old Lady from Pasedena” into drag racing? LOL

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  19. Grandpa s truck
    Bany39  almost 15 years ago

    jrbj Ford had a pink color in the 50’s common name for it shall remain unspoken. Rise22 my 79 Chevy LUV did rust and fall down around me

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  20. Whatwouldblue
    mrslukeskywalker  almost 15 years ago

    That’s what all the cars in Cuba are like. His is in great shape compared to the ones in the twisted media’s “Land of milk and honey”.

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  21. Wally head
    WallyCuppaJoe  almost 15 years ago

    The DeSoto looks like he went off roading. We had a 55 Chevy Salmon and charcoal gray.

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  22. Mer rover small 02
    treBsdrawkcaB  almost 15 years ago

    I don’t think that a car’s appearance is ever a guaranteed theft deterrent. There’s always a more desperate thief / drug addict willing to take ANYTHING that they think they might make a buck off of. Heck, thieves would probably want it to parts it out - those have got to be hard to find and, therefore, worth $$.

    That DeSoto would be a limo in Tijuana, Mexico and even better than that in other 3rd world countries.

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  23. Wally head
    WallyCuppaJoe  almost 15 years ago

    I have a couple of paintings by a Cuban artist. One is of a 57 Plymouth and the other is a 53 Chevy.

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  24. Missing large
    artybee  almost 15 years ago

    A pox on all gray and metallic light blue, gold and silver cars. They’re almost invisible on the road. Why anybody buys such bland colors, I can’t imagine.

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  25. Phil b r
    pbarnrob  almost 15 years ago

    Funny that today, I saw a (fairly) new Mustang, painted what we used to call ‘Trainer Yellow’, intended for aircraft (so that everyone else in the sky could avoid them).

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