La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for March 19, 2015
Cuco: Michelle Rodriguez, you sure seem upset at minorities in Hollywood. Rodriguez: Because they're always stealing all the roles from white actors! Cuco: LIke in "Exodus," when all the Egyptians were portrayed by white actors? Or in "Argo," when Ben Affleck played a Mexican-American CIA agent? Or Angelina Jolie playing a black woman? Or... Rodriguez: Quiet, mortal! I am supermouth! Tremble before the power of my unfounded and not-thought-out-well statements!
Pharmakeus Ubik over 9 years ago
You’re projecting again, indiethink.
cdward over 9 years ago
There is a solution to your problem. Just move on to the next comic. I don’t think Lalo will mind.
cdward over 9 years ago
I have a question about this, however. I googled Michelle Rodriguez. 1) I couldn’t find anything about her saying this kind of stuff. Where & what did she say? 2)isn’t she herself Latina?
BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Can we all agree on a couple things? One: Lalo does have a agenda when it comes to Hollywood and his perceived bias by Producers toward Latinos. Two: when he addresses this agenda he goes way over the top and cares not about facts to make his point. Three: Ms. Rodriguez is a very talented actress that sometimes speaks before totally thinking. Four: Who really gives a rats butt about who portrays some comic book character, the market will determine if that actor ever gets another shot at it.
cepa over 9 years ago
Lalo continues to use the term “white people” in the most racist manner. Does this include the former president of Mexico Fox or the present -president -Pena or most of the people who are in power in Mexico?
How about my family who are mostly as white as anyone except those who’s Indian blood show through.
Maybe he is looking down on light colored Mexican because he is not one of them or is he?
dzw3030 over 9 years ago
“…how many people want to keep me from making comments on this forum called…” I haven’t read any imperatives requiring you to to do anything. Suggestions, yes demands, no. Your claim the commenters making the suggestions must be Liberals favoring suppression of free speech is, in my opinion, stretching reality. You like to write, check out job opportunities as a writer of Hollywood scripts. Enjoy the day…
dzw3030 over 9 years ago
So, you consider any comment, however soft as abuse? You just made your own imperative to prohibit others from speaking to you.
dzw3030 over 9 years ago
I forgot. You’re only in this to babble for your own enjoyment and ego strokes. Now you decide who has “credibility”?
SABRSteve over 9 years ago
Just for the record, Cleopatra was Greek (European) from the line of Alexander the Great.
SABRSteve over 9 years ago
Just for the record, Cleopatra was Greek (European) from the line of Alexander the Great.