Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for March 31, 2015
Zebra: Listen, Killer Koala. I know Koalas need to sleep 22 hours a day, but since you're supposed to be guarding my property, do you think you could sleep an hour or so less? Melvin: HI. I'm Melvin Melvinowitz, and I'm suing you for Koala discrimination, you racist scum. Zebra: Maybe I'll guard my own property. Melvin: That's culturally insensitive. We're suing you again.
Templo S.U.D. over 9 years ago
Being sued for being culturally insensitive?
cdgar over 9 years ago
They’ll sue for anything these days. Can I sue if a comic strip isn’t funny enough?
fourbythefalls over 9 years ago
If he is a drop bear just spread some Vegemite behind your ears. You will be fine. Maybe Zebra should get a vicious jackalope. That would take care of business.
knight1192a over 9 years ago
Hmmm, sounds familar.
phylum over 9 years ago
zebra…if you can be hustled by a koala…you have little hope against a croc or a lion and most certainly against a LAWYER
oldschool434 over 9 years ago
maybe Zebra can get Stephan to represent him. Oh wait, nevermind…..
doublepaw over 9 years ago
I wish Pastis would leave his politics out of this strip. Never funny when he tries to send a message.
jbmlaw01 over 9 years ago
Last week Indiana passed a law blocking suits over “cultural insensitivity” and the leftists went nuts. Now the cowardly republicans are talking about modifying the law. Spine of jelly.
kd1sq Premium Member over 9 years ago
Shoulda used a Bunyip…
pshapley Premium Member over 9 years ago
This makes 3 or 4 Koala strips, and the koala’s eyes are always open. It’s obviously not a real koala, since it never sleeps.
kaffekup over 9 years ago
Actually, the republican mayor of Indianopolis “went nuts” too, since he realizes it’s a bigoted law.
abbybookcase over 9 years ago
you know what shakespeare said….
Ginny Premium Member over 9 years ago
Interesting how you made the lawyer Jewish.
jnnydnti over 9 years ago
I thought the same, Ginny.
Sherlock Watson over 9 years ago
To solve this problem, Zebra should get the lawyer and the koala to fight so that one will eat the other. Doesn’t matter which.
Saddenedby Premium Member over 9 years ago
where’s the number for my lawyer again????? i think i gotta sue because of some of the comments – my lawyer works on commission – i don’t win – he don’t get paid – i win he gets 90% and i file class action suitswin-win :)
Number Three over 9 years ago
I don’t know if this was supposed to be offensive or funny but it made me crack a smile.
I did not see that second panel coming!
Sisyphos over 9 years ago
Melvin “Why do some people on this Comments Board think I must be Jewish [talk about stereotyping!]?” Melvinowitz was probably wrong to call Zeeba Neighba “racist scum.” There could be a counter-suit in that remark, if Z.N. can get Cartoon-Boy to give him representation…. And, besides that, the koala does bill himself as “Killer Koala,” raising reasonable expectations of performance.
abbybookcase over 9 years ago
skid marks
claire de la lune. over 9 years ago
I once read a book about dumb laws. My favourite was a law stating that if a woman drives a car, a man should run in front of the car waving a red flag. I’m certain this was from over 100 years ago.I did not make this up.
Goat the goat over 4 years ago
Froot loops are racist to toucans…….