Unlike many race horses, American Pharoah has certain equipment which comes in handy for growing beards (and other things…….)
Photos of horses with Beards are rather common online..
The beard didn’t hurt W.G. Grace (Monty Python fans might identify this athlete as “God.”)
Bill Hinds
August 01, 2014
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 9 years ago
Godfreydaniel over 9 years ago
Unlike many race horses, American Pharoah has certain equipment which comes in handy for growing beards (and other things…….)
Tarredandfeathered over 9 years ago
Photos of horses with Beards are rather common online..
tiyapakhi over 9 years ago
The beard didn’t hurt W.G. Grace (Monty Python fans might identify this athlete as “God.”)