The Dinette Set by Julie Larson for August 22, 2015

  1. 16873788307 800b4ae7a8 b
    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Did the resident idiots notice that the Premier Passengers are standing in a reeaallly long line, while the two of them waltzed up to the desk? I thought not. Always wanting what your betters have. Without actually working for it of course.Besides you have to !. Not get your luggage at GoodWill.2. Get your clothes at a store that doesn’t have the word “dump” on the sign.3. Bathe. Just Bathe.

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  2. Img 1187
    Loves life  over 9 years ago

    “Yes mam, just stand in that line right over there. If you are lucky you will be able to get on the plane . Oh by the way it leaves in 20 min. Have a nice flight.”

    I like getting on last so I don’t have to get up for the other passenger to get to their seat.

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    mikie2  over 9 years ago

    You too can be treated like royalty by the airlines, or anyone else, for that matter, even you, Burl and Joy. All you have to do is spend lots and lots of money with them all the time. Then they will do wonderful things for you and give you wonderful things that don’t cost them very much. But don’t think for a minute that they love you or think highly of you. You are just a cash cow that must be fed. Joy, you have the “cow” part aced.

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  4. Hobo
    MeGoNow Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Whatever the cost. However long the Premium line. It’s worth it to not be sitting near the Penny’s. .Actually, I fly Premium Economy. For a modest additional cost (about $200 each way to Europe), I board first without a line, deplane first, eat better, and have a larger seat for the 11 hours to Paris. No need to stand at the counter. I have my boarding pass on-line. Oh… and no Penny’s.

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  5. Koala
    orbenjawell Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Should be easy:1) Be Premiere!! What? No go?2)Be Executive!! Huh?!! That don’t roll, either?

    Uhhh….3)!! Try to be uhmmm, mmmm, y’know….ANYONE but Pennys!! Strike three already? Awwwwwwww…….

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  6. Shetland sheepdog
    ellisaana Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Classic mob mentality. The Pennys just want what everyone else is getting, whether it is worth having, or not.

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    Ninette  over 9 years ago

    Everyone is special is the BS that runs the world right now.

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