So would you Lucy. Remember Lucy, Snoopy is a one of a kind beagle. Sometimes I think, that Snoopy lives to be the opposite of what you stand for and believe in. This is what makes Peanuts so enjoyable.
Hey, Handsome! LOL. Sorry about that. You don’t mind me calling you that do you? If you didn’t like it then this will be the first and last time. Just thought I’d try a different greeting other than “Hi, Snoopy_Fan”-I’m afraid I don’t have a lot to say apart from that I’m really glad you liked my provisional driving licence. Do you think I look cute on my licence photo? Be honest! -May you have a “fantabulous” weekend too!
Templo S.U.D. almost 9 years ago
you got a point there, Snoopy. shows you, Lucy, what’s what
knight1192a almost 9 years ago
What’s going to happen? Going to throw his doghouse into the kite eating tree like you ruthlessly did Schroeder’s piano?
MJKesquire almost 9 years ago
Snoopy is a happening all by himself!!
Cronkers McGee Premium Member almost 9 years ago
So would you Lucy. Remember Lucy, Snoopy is a one of a kind beagle. Sometimes I think, that Snoopy lives to be the opposite of what you stand for and believe in. This is what makes Peanuts so enjoyable.
Godfreydaniel almost 9 years ago
“It’s already tomorrow somewhere else in the world!”
StCleve72 almost 9 years ago
This strip should have been called; “Fifty Shades of Lucy.” Very sad(istic) person.
mggreen almost 9 years ago
I’m with the Snoopster on this . . .
neverenoughgold almost 9 years ago
I’m told it takes less energy to be happy than angry…
Mj Cook almost 9 years ago
Awww…I love Snoopy! He’s not going to let Lucy get him down!
Faith :) almost 9 years ago
Me too!
Faith :) almost 9 years ago
Wow, for three days in a row Lucy walks around trying to make others feel bad. That’s not good. And I love the way Snoopy is doing his snoopy dance.
Number Three almost 9 years ago
Obviously, I’ll be wrong. But I think he’s excited about Valentine’s Day.
Saddenedby Premium Member almost 9 years ago
yeah maybe it did already happen -
Number Three almost 9 years ago
Hey, Handsome! LOL. Sorry about that. You don’t mind me calling you that do you? If you didn’t like it then this will be the first and last time. Just thought I’d try a different greeting other than “Hi, Snoopy_Fan”-I’m afraid I don’t have a lot to say apart from that I’m really glad you liked my provisional driving licence. Do you think I look cute on my licence photo? Be honest! -May you have a “fantabulous” weekend too!
rgcviper almost 9 years ago
Just knock her block off, Snoopy.
Though, I admire your optimism.