Savage Chickens by Doug Savage for February 19, 2016

  1. Onion news1186.article
    Randy B Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Is it blended, or nested turducken-style?

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  2. Idano
    Ida No  almost 9 years ago

    For those of you who were wondering what the universe had been like before the “great collapse”.

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  3. Falstaff with jug600cropped
    John Falstaff  almost 9 years ago

    Tastes like chicken! No, wait, chickens like its taste. Yeah, that’s it.

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    emptc12  almost 9 years ago

    “Might as well eat it. It won’t go away until you do.” Words of wisdom from my father, backed up with a leather strap. .“Think of the poor, starving children in China who’d love to have this meal.”. “Well, send it to them,” my brother replied..WHAP! Bad answer.

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    johngregor Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    @ emptc12 meanwhile over in the 3rd World parents are telling their kids to stop complaining about starving because their are children in North America being forced to eat leftover casserole who would love to go to bed hungry.

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    Thomas & Tifffany Connolly  almost 9 years ago

    None of which I ate.

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