Frazz by Jef Mallett for June 09, 2016
Boy: Mrs. Olsen said,"I guess today is not your day." Then she said if you go get your own special day it's not until after you're famous and dead. Frazz: You could pick a day and make it your own day. Boy: Oh! Like a despot loophole. Frazz: I was thinking more like an optimist loophole.
Squizzums over 8 years ago
Like that day when, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendía remembered that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice?
water_moon over 8 years ago
despots are optimists, they assume no one else will ever have their power
Bilan over 8 years ago
Everyday is your day. But to everyone else, it’s their day.
cabalonrye over 8 years ago
If you choose you day, aren’t you chosing the date of your death? Just saying. (saunter away whistling tunelessly)
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 8 years ago
“Your day will come.”Nope. i don’t think that i want my own day.
Jeff0811 over 8 years ago
Carpe Diem! I shall seize the day and make it mine.
jdunham over 8 years ago
Carp Diem. Fish of the day.
sandpiper over 8 years ago
Jef is wandering in murky waters this week.
Kind&Kinder over 8 years ago
Every day is your day; no one else can live it. Have a nice one if that works for you.
Nuliajuk over 8 years ago
Don’t wedding planners tell women that their wedding is their “special day”?