Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for January 16, 2017
Rob Wilco: Satchel just showed me a list of musicals you want to change the names of and pass off as your own. Bucky Katt: Forget that. I got two pages into Joey and the Sick, 24-bit color virtual reality hoodie and realized it was too much work. Rob Wilco: Good, 'cause you can't just whip out a thesaurus, tweak something, and pretend it's you own. Bucky Katt: What's a thesaurus? Rob Wilco: It's like a dictionary, but instead of defining a word, it gives you a list of similar words. Bucky Katt: Sounds like they should have called it a differentary. Ir an otherpedia, maybe I'll sell those. Rob Wilco: Oh, my head.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Rob should encourage Bucky in this one. How much trouble could he get into?
Randallw almost 8 years ago
It seems a bit out of character that Bucky doesn’t think it’s called the Saurus.
rdmacgregor almost 8 years ago
Also out of character for Bucky to admit ignorance of the word, Thesaurus.
Prey almost 8 years ago
For once I like Buckys idea, differentary or otherpedia makes more sense today than Thesaurus
pumaman almost 8 years ago
Bucky is certainly creative in his own way.
cj7ole almost 8 years ago
Sure would like to see this strip plow up some new ground. Like a trip to the park? Get out side. Seriously thinking of taking this one off my favorites.
Lawrence Stetz Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Well, it’s finally happened. Get Fuzzy has turned into Garfield. It’s just a middle aged guy who sits around talking to his house cat all day.
Roadrunner Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Gees, I thought a thesaurus was a type of dinosaur, like the Do-you-think-he-sar-us from Jurassic Park.
WoodEye almost 8 years ago
I’ve been exploring the “Explore Get Fuzzy” box at the bottom, lots of funny stuff in there.
rfeinberg almost 8 years ago
JUST KILL THIS COMIC STRIP ALREADY! Yes, it’s well-drawn but it has never been particularly funny, usually the same old joke of the cat coming up with terribly punning remakes of books, products, TV shows. Okay to read it once, but I did that already… IN 2009!! Why is a lazy strip by a lazy creator continuing to take up space in newspapers with their boring reruns?
finnygirl Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Just for the record, I like Get Fuzzy! Trouble is, I hate gocomics now, so as soon as my current subscription runs out, I’ll be outta here! They won’t miss me, I’m sure, but I’ll use my $20 on something easier to use than this mess.