In this world of ours there are lotsa Jens and a few good Brandi’s.”Sigh”,and all that I have around me are about as appealing as a Lizzie Borden with PMS. PS(what’s that you’re hiding behind your back?Is it a knife,ready to backstab somebody?Or might it be a hatchet,ready to really mess my day up?)
3hourtour Premium Member about 14 years ago
..Libery Meadows where the women are men and the men are women…
TnLockMan Premium Member about 14 years ago
In this world of ours there are lotsa Jens and a few good Brandi’s.”Sigh”,and all that I have around me are about as appealing as a Lizzie Borden with PMS. PS(what’s that you’re hiding behind your back?Is it a knife,ready to backstab somebody?Or might it be a hatchet,ready to really mess my day up?)
Dillithamir about 14 years ago
In that middle panel, Brandy’s hand looks rather wide.
ponytail56 about 14 years ago
they can’t consumate, Jen hasn’t given him his “pair”back yet