Try one, you might like it.
Z-Waves or Zed-Waves? I don’t want to date any British Zombies who might put extra U’s in words or, heaven forbid, use an Umlaut.
Curious dating site.
Zombies don’t eat, they are talking about ghomzuls which look dead and eat raw flesh. New creatures not “zombies”.
June 13, 2017
Map_One about 6 years ago
Try one, you might like it.
salenstormwing about 6 years ago
Z-Waves or Zed-Waves? I don’t want to date any British Zombies who might put extra U’s in words or, heaven forbid, use an Umlaut.
cooganm Premium Member about 6 years ago
Curious dating site.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 6 years ago
Zombies don’t eat, they are talking about ghomzuls which look dead and eat raw flesh. New creatures not “zombies”.