You wouldn’t BELIEVE the number of customers who do this. Go through self-scan lanes and say “Oh, it’s because I drank some of this already”. Usually it’s 20-something guys who were too impatient to walk 25 feet without guzzling down half their drink, but we get all types in my store.
Entering a grocery store on an empty stomach, and bearing in mind it is inadvisable to go grocery shopping like that, I bought and consumed a snack before getting a cart.
DaJellyBelly over 6 years ago
Also, he will have to put his shoe in the bag! LOL
Jabroniville Premium Member over 6 years ago
You wouldn’t BELIEVE the number of customers who do this. Go through self-scan lanes and say “Oh, it’s because I drank some of this already”. Usually it’s 20-something guys who were too impatient to walk 25 feet without guzzling down half their drink, but we get all types in my store.
Jogger2 over 6 years ago
Entering a grocery store on an empty stomach, and bearing in mind it is inadvisable to go grocery shopping like that, I bought and consumed a snack before getting a cart.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 6 years ago
Since when do they sell donuts by the pound??
kab2rb over 6 years ago
Slim I really disagree. I learned hard way as buy junk do not need. Food on tummy easier to say no.
JP Steve Premium Member over 6 years ago
Gosh! What if grocery stores employed (enough) human beans to handle these crises? “Sorry, I let my child have a candy bar — just scan the wrapper…”
1004mike over 6 years ago
Are you REALLY SORRY for the bad parenting or because you have to pay for it?