My Mom’s cat had a litter (what ever) of kittens when I was a wee lad (‘64). After a month or so, after weening, we only had two left that we couldn’t give away. One chased a mouse into a small jar. You should have seen me trying to tell that kitten to close her eyes so I could bust the jar with a hammer. Finally turned her over on her back and busted the jar. Cat made it almost 20 years after that.
Alondra over 6 years ago
Poor Sophie! I hope someone can help her. Nasty kitties!
Ida No over 6 years ago
Chewie: “Facebook or youtube?”
Equinox: “Twitter, then Instagram.”
blunebottle over 6 years ago
Sophie, when are you ever going to learn? NEVER trust a cat!
mjb515 over 6 years ago
She has not figured out their desire to do her her in?
Doctor Toon over 6 years ago
A few years back, one of our cats got his head stuck through the handle of a plastic bag and freaked out
He was flying through the house with the bag trailing like the cape on a superhero
It was scary for all of us until we caught him and got the bag off, and once it was over and he was safe we thought it was hilarious
Casey Jones over 6 years ago
Shades of Groucho in Duck Soup!
I AM CARTOON LADY! over 6 years ago
All reason goes out the window whenever bacon is involved!
taz1313 over 6 years ago
My Mom’s cat had a litter (what ever) of kittens when I was a wee lad (‘64). After a month or so, after weening, we only had two left that we couldn’t give away. One chased a mouse into a small jar. You should have seen me trying to tell that kitten to close her eyes so I could bust the jar with a hammer. Finally turned her over on her back and busted the jar. Cat made it almost 20 years after that.
WCraft Premium Member over 6 years ago
Tell the cats that they store catnip in the dryer.
whenlifewassimpler over 6 years ago
Sophie Sophie never ever listen to the cats, they are LBOS and wiil lead you down the wrong path every time LOL
tcar-1 over 6 years ago
I thought of the “I LOVE LUCY” episode where she got the trophy cup stuck on her head.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 6 years ago
Sophie, I can’t believe you feel for that! Poor little girl!
Ida No over 6 years ago
On twitter, Brian says that this is based on a true story with one of his new fosters.
rgcviper over 6 years ago
Aww … poor Sophie, indeed. Maybe it’s time she stopped trusting the cats? Good comic, though.
On a semi-related note, this one makes me think of the infamous Noodle Incident from “Calvin & Hobbes”.