No age limit for bullies, though there it seem to me that today everything that appears competitive or combative is bullying. Even trying to stop bullying ends up being a bully to a bully.
The senior living bully has a cousin, it’s the ones that walk around a housing development with nothing better to do than write up a violation of the HOA.
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member almost 6 years ago
No age limit for bullies, though there it seem to me that today everything that appears competitive or combative is bullying. Even trying to stop bullying ends up being a bully to a bully.
The Brooklyn Accent Premium Member almost 6 years ago
70 billion? Well, bully for you!
joegeethree almost 6 years ago
Establishing a pecking order has always been a thing in the animal kingdom. It won’t go away easily, even in modern humans.
forsyth almost 6 years ago
Showdown in the bathroom. Sometimes less is more.
jbduncan almost 6 years ago
Since the men have all died the women pick on each other.
WCraft Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Whatcha got there, the 4 volt (scooter)?
Leojim almost 6 years ago
Bleeb looks to be a bit disgusted with all this foolishness.
kodj kodjin almost 6 years ago
High School hierarchy games never really leave us!
Perkycat almost 6 years ago
Bleeb could learn everything he needs to know about humans in that place.
"It's the End of the World!!!" Premium Member almost 6 years ago
The senior living bully has a cousin, it’s the ones that walk around a housing development with nothing better to do than write up a violation of the HOA.
Thank God I don’t live in one of those places.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member almost 6 years ago
More proof bitches stay bitches their entire life.
MCProfessor almost 6 years ago
Let’s see how that works in your descending colon!