Moderately Confused by Jeff Stahler for March 18, 2019

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    M2MM  over 5 years ago

    No kidding! :D

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    DanFlak  over 5 years ago

    An Islamic extremist commits an attack and Trump tweets all over it. Peaceful Muslims are gunned down and it’s “Shut up and pray” let’s wait and see what the investigation brings up.

    Let’s not discuss that the shooter was a white supremacist.We must downplay that angle. I’m not sure why unless it’s a case of “If the shoe fits, wear it?”

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    sandpiper  over 5 years ago

    So they have a traffic circle where Buttercup can return to the same spot every time but call it different.

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    tinafee  over 5 years ago

    Call me old fashioned but … I read the comics for entertainment and a laugh. This comic seems to always be political commentary. It should be in the editorial cartoons! I am now taking it out of my comics lineup!!!

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    sandflea  over 5 years ago

    Boy, ain’t that the truth. House and Senate too.

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    cuzinron47  over 5 years ago

    Or it could say “The Easily Distracted”.

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