I wonder when it comes ‘morning’ at Chateau Rufus will find her DITM&CAS Dead in the morning & Cold and Stiff. Then there’s the popular cops have been chasing her and it’s now DITMBRKH. Dead in the morning because Rufus killed her (and had hidden $1 million she had stolen). Either way Rufus is in for scrutiny from the cops.
boydpercy Premium Member over 5 years ago
Poor Rufus. I wonder if she’ll try to steal his house next?
well-i-never over 5 years ago
Well I’m starting to feel sorry for her. Anyone that hungry and tired must need a little help getting back on her feet. Next, lend her some money.
TracyFan 65 over 5 years ago
Well, Rufus made his bed, now she can lie in it.
Code the Enforcer over 5 years ago
“Don’t mind them-there bed bugs! … There a’-sleepin’, too!” :)
Quabaculta over 5 years ago
I wonder when it comes ‘morning’ at Chateau Rufus will find her DITM&CAS Dead in the morning & Cold and Stiff. Then there’s the popular cops have been chasing her and it’s now DITMBRKH. Dead in the morning because Rufus killed her (and had hidden $1 million she had stolen). Either way Rufus is in for scrutiny from the cops.