Moderately Confused by Jeff Stahler for May 13, 2019

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    whahoppened  over 5 years ago

    Wow, he goes straight for the one you have to keep purging from your mind.

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  2. Sylvester1
    Nachikethass  over 5 years ago

    That’s no tall tale. If you think it is, start praying.

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    M2MM  over 5 years ago

    The thing that gets me is that “climate change” seems to come as a surprise to “powers that be.” The climate is ALWAYS changing, albeit slowly. It’s just that things have changed enough to start tipping the balance and become a lot more obvious is its results. If the sciences were properly funded, we might actually have some idea of where it’s going right now. :P

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    donwalter  over 5 years ago

    kids won’t sleep tonight, that’s for sure…

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  5. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  over 5 years ago

    Best to get the concern started as children because the adults responsible for making decisions aren’t listening

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    DanFlak  over 5 years ago

    Go ahead, keep ignoring it. It will go away. According to some estimates have about 50 to 100 years before thermal runaway and the point of no return.

    Temperature today will be 1,050 degrees with a chance of sulfuric acid showers.

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  7. Irish  1
    Zen-of-Zinfandel  over 5 years ago

    Moderately campy.

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member over 5 years ago

    And contributing to by burning wood in a fire.. dummy

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  9. Gameguy49
    Gameguy49 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Children have been horrified, shaking under their beds at night in fear, ever since they were made to watch An Inconvenient Truth (predictions in which turned out to be complete BS). Child abuse!

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  10. Hideous dog
    midevilmommy  over 5 years ago

    This is the scariest story I’m aware of, but apparently Stahler thinks it’s just a tall tale, despite ALMOST ALL climate scientists agreeing that it’s real.

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    R.R.Bedford  over 5 years ago

    the age of those kids the scary thing would be , “Underwear change”.

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    Dr. Whom   over 5 years ago

    If the climate alarmists would back off from their hysteria & focus on a broad “clean up the air & water” environmentalism, I expect they’d find more people willing to back their programs. But they’d have to be willing to accept nuclear power, which is against their religion.

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  13. Nick danger small
    Nick Danger  over 5 years ago

    No “Global Warming” or “Climate Change” prediction has ever actually come true. All the computer models have been wrong.

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  14. The shadow
    Ubintold  over 5 years ago

    Easy scare.

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