Well, except for the credit card advice, most of it is pretty useless. Maybe the turn signals, too.
considering the eyerolls I get from my boys, I must be just a little bit like that myself.
TV’s can’t make your eyes explode, but the rest is sound advice.
It has to be a blooper. We know that Keith was raised in Boston. Presumably, his father is a Bostonian. No way in holy heck that dad would advise him to use his turn signal.
Keith Knight
February 13, 2017
Darsan54 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Well, except for the credit card advice, most of it is pretty useless. Maybe the turn signals, too.
alliegator almost 4 years ago
considering the eyerolls I get from my boys, I must be just a little bit like that myself.
Agapostemon almost 4 years ago
TV’s can’t make your eyes explode, but the rest is sound advice.
ajr58(1) almost 4 years ago
It has to be a blooper. We know that Keith was raised in Boston. Presumably, his father is a Bostonian. No way in holy heck that dad would advise him to use his turn signal.