Bad Machinery by John Allison for January 13, 2021

  1. Ubik
    Pharmakeus Ubik  almost 4 years ago

    It’s a good answer, but the chem lab is not the place for a ruckus.

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  2. Mate1 9
    imagenesis  almost 4 years ago

    Camon Linton, that ain’t cool! (~_~ )

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  3. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    So, will there be real chemistry between Jack and Shauna, or is this situation just too explosive?

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  4. Slogo3avatar
    scyphi26  almost 4 years ago

    And it’ll be a closed-casket funeral too, mind you, because there won’t be enough of the remains leftover for a proper viewing once Jack’s done with you.

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    tims145  almost 4 years ago

    The butterfly sticker might have been overdoing it a bit.

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  6. 20141112 192913
    Aladar30 Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    That’s not nice, Linton.

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  7. Martian tartan
    Ugly, Fat and Crabby  almost 4 years ago

    I knew that Linton was a bit, shall we say, below his age level emotionally, but I didn’t realize he could be such a jerk.

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  8. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Is Jack’s deep humiliation deepened still further by the fact that even the faculty seem to be getting a good laugh out of it?

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