The Doozies by Tom Gammill for March 10, 2011

  1. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  over 13 years ago

    Drawing developement comes later (sorry, had to open my mouth).

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  2. Muckiericon
    Rick51  over 13 years ago

    Huh? I think the drawing is GREAT for a toon like this! That lion the other day was TOPS!

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  3. Turnslower
    Larry Miller Premium Member over 13 years ago

    I’ll take good jokes over super realistic drawing any day.

    I mean I’m here, aren’t I? ☺

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  4. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member over 13 years ago

    or you could do it like the Ferd’nand strip, where the ol Ferd has a different occupation in every strip,;the only thing remaining consistent is his silly hat and his his wife and little Ferd (also with the hat)

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  5. Muckiericon
    Rick51  over 13 years ago

    I agree Larry – and I would add that IMO “super realistic drawing” might actually be more detrimental to some cornball strips. Corny art can add to the overall likeability of the strip.

    And I have no problem whatsoever with Ferd’nand type strips. Divorces from sanity and reality are good for such things

    Well … that’s my opinion anyway … but what do I know?

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