The Elderberries by Corey Pandolph and Phil Frank and Joe Troise for August 18, 2023
Miss Overdunne: Okay, Ludmilla, we need a strike... Nurse Ludmilla: Da. Man: Let's go, Ludmilla!! Miss Overdunne: Is he? He's wearing a wig that looks like your hair! Nurse Ludmilla: Da, Mr. Jerry and whole produce department come to cheer Ludmilla. Miss Overdunne: .... and they're all dressed as you. Man: Hey look! They spelled out "Ludmilla" with bananas and Swiss chard!
clynnb1224 Premium Member over 1 year ago
oh “ludmilla” is now thinking she finally found the “cat’s meow” in “mr. jerry” the produce man….
hollisson Premium Member over 1 year ago
Enjoy this, people. You don’t see Ludmilla smile very often.
Skeptical Meg over 1 year ago
At least they’re not wearing women’s clothes