From Wikipedia: Bertrand Russell illustrated this point in The Problems of Philosophy:
“Domestic animals expect food when they see the person who usually feeds them. We know that all these rather crude expectations of uniformity are liable to be misleading. The man who has fed the chicken every day throughout its life at last wrings its neck instead, showing that more refined views as to the uniformity of nature would have been useful to the chicken”.
Imagine about 4 years ago
How would you know?
ObiJoan about 4 years ago
From Wikipedia: Bertrand Russell illustrated this point in The Problems of Philosophy:
“Domestic animals expect food when they see the person who usually feeds them. We know that all these rather crude expectations of uniformity are liable to be misleading. The man who has fed the chicken every day throughout its life at last wrings its neck instead, showing that more refined views as to the uniformity of nature would have been useful to the chicken”.
cwillis about 4 years ago
Said no turkey ever.
dbhaddix about 4 years ago
He’s sticking his neck out making that comment
flemmingo about 4 years ago
Don’t lose your head over the crisp air and Thanksgiving!
Anters55 about 4 years ago
Well, maybe not for very long there buddy….
Zebrastripes about 4 years ago
A Turkey can dream can’t he
ckeagy about 4 years ago
Nooooo! Run Tom, Run.
Zen-of-Zinfandel about 4 years ago
Take a stab at flying away.
raybarb44 about 4 years ago
3 out of 4 will agree with you….
DondiDoo about 4 years ago
Well it was!
PoodleGroomer about 4 years ago
Shave your legs and dye your feathers pink. Nobody wants Thanksgiving flamingo.
cuzinron47 about 4 years ago
We’ll let you go first.
Spacetech about 4 years ago
Interesting to humanize a bird that eats its own poop
paullp Premium Member about 4 years ago
Please don’t tell him; let him enjoy the illusion until the ax falls.
TLH1310 Premium Member about 4 years ago
If he lives to see Thanksgiving Day, it should be his favorite holiday.
WCraft Premium Member about 4 years ago
Colors? You still have leaves on trees there?