Prickly City by Scott Stantis for June 28, 2021

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    theotherther1  over 3 years ago

    The first has a stranglehold on the other two.

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    braindead Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Surely there is still faith in someone who would brandish a Bible after tear gassing protesters that were sitting peacefully.

    And commit Treason.

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    KenseidenXL  over 3 years ago

    Religion is a con. Since most media is controlled by a few corporations and billionaires, it IS mostly propaganda.

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    Kurtass  over 3 years ago

    Religion, the longest con ever perpetrated on man. Which came first, Religion or the nonexistent god?

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    Ignatz Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Well, when the loudest religious voices yell “Jesus Jesus Jesus” while idolizing a greedy, vain, selfish, petty, and violence-loving man, it sours people on religion.

    Although I am fond of pointing that in liberal, heathen NYC, there’s a church every two blocks, and they’re pretty full. And those Hispanic folks that white conservatives hate pack the churches every Sunday.

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    William Robbins Premium Member over 3 years ago

    When Qop actively undermines government institutions for 50 years so its donors don’t have to worry about paying for them, or being caught in their grift/graft, that’s not surprising.

    When Q actively persecutes journalism for confronting myths with facts, that’s not surprising. Heartbreaking but not surprising.

    Religion … eh.

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    BRBurns1960  over 3 years ago

    I know someone deep in Trump country and there are people who believe the virus is real, the vaccine is effective, but still feel resistant to getting the shot because the government is pushing so hard, in the middle of the worst pandemic in 100 years they find it disturbing that the government would want you to get vaccinated.

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    RobinHood  over 3 years ago

    God may not be real, or he may be real. Would you like to chance the latter? Proceed at your own peril. As some once parroted to me;

    Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of absence.

    Martin Rees

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    Darsan54 Premium Member over 3 years ago

    You all do realize this destruction of “faith” in anything started, officially, with St. Ronnie and Sir Newt the Loathsome to undermine the Democratic hold on Congress, right?

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    ChristopherBacon  over 3 years ago

    “We’ve lost faith in faith?”

    One can hope. Of course hope is also a lie.

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    quixotic3  over 3 years ago

    Homo sapiens became successful by ingenuity and cooperation.

    We will die out because of ignorance and division.

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    rossevrymn  over 3 years ago

    The right-wing populists done a great job of royally jacking up all of these things………….yep……………bout time for a whataboutism:

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    Radish...   over 3 years ago

    I’ve even lost my faith in some comics.

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    Kip Williams  over 3 years ago

    When society loses its faith, that’s bad, because it’s harder to lead them around by the nose.

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    StackableContainers  over 3 years ago

    Faith is a group/pack based activity. It evolutionarily developed that way as survival strategy for groups/packs. It binds the pack together. As American institutions/leaders from government and religion continue to fail us ethically, morally and practically, people are going to stop supporting them and break apart into smaller groups/packs, each with their own goals, ideological emphasis and survival strategies. So the larger group identity and faiths that dominated previously are naturally going to dissolve. I get why Stantis is fretting about it. Change is scary. But, things not changing is ten times scarier…things that don’t change die and disappear forever.

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    Durak Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Any church “in business” needs to go OUT of business.

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    Bradley Walker  over 3 years ago

    So… we have to take this week’s strips… on “faith” value?

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    XtopherSD  over 3 years ago

    Who’s this “we” to whom you refer? #BothSidesDont

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    ferddo  over 3 years ago

    People have been bombarded with lies and misinformation from their leaders – no wonder they’ve lost faith!

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    [Unnamed Reader - 64b33a]  over 3 years ago

    I don’t have faith, but I have faith in faith.

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    AndrewSharpe  over 3 years ago

    It’s time to faith your demons.

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    Kip Williams  over 3 years ago

    How I wish he’d bought the “24 Shapes” Colorforms set, and not the “12 Shapes” set.

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    ndblackirish97  over 3 years ago

    Those with real faith know the world is their church and all one has to do is read the religious texts themselves; stop depending on someone else to tell you what it says or means. Religious fanatics count on the latter.

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    Nantucket Premium Member over 3 years ago

    John Oliver demonstrated how easy it is to establish your own religion. It was a shame when he discontinued it because he was getting the wrong kind of “seed” mailed to his offices.

    There are so many religious zealots that claim that the U.S. government’s laws are based on the Ten Commandments. Considering how many of the commandments are about God, coveting or other things NOT against the law, this just shows that these folks don’t the law nor do they know their own religious laws. BTW, the actual list of commandments varies by religion.

    Moses dropped one of the tablets. Happy 95th Birthday, Mel.

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