Bob the Squirrel by Frank Page for January 06, 2022

  1. 009f1012 b5de 47ef baf3 1391e636c114
    LastRoseOfSummer 1 Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    They are with us for such a short time. I wish our pets could live as long as we do.

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    deeahk  almost 3 years ago

    Every time this happens I say I can’t do this again… and then I end up with two more. Much love to you all.

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    juicebruce  almost 3 years ago

    Thus the clock moves forward .

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  4. Boston
    MS72  almost 3 years ago

    Interesting use of a curio cabinet. Curious if Frank plan to keep human ashes…

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  5. Olympus 004
    John9  almost 3 years ago

    My late wife and I talked about cremating our animals and always opted to bury them instead. Related but not really, yesterday I actually took the cremains of 5 people to be interred at the Cemetery. One group was my friend who died last January and his parents so they could be together, the other 2 were MIL and her husband so they could be together. I did however keep my loving wife’s cremains so when I die our son can keep us together.

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    Plods with ...™  almost 3 years ago

    Patti Barry of Doodle Daze just lost Zach.

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    Train 1911  almost 3 years ago

    My wife ashes are in front of me two cats on bookshelf we all go to my grave site when I die.

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  8. Inbound to iraq  2
    Scoutmaster77  almost 3 years ago

    One of our cats will still rub on the mini-schnauzer’s cremation box.

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