We had a sales rep whose numbers just plummeted. At the end of the year he was fired. Turns out he had a job with another company. For a year he drew a base salary and a tiny commission from us while using our company car to make sales calls for his new employer. Not sure how it wound up, but lawyers were involved.
JudasPeckerwood over 2 years ago
“And you can’t fire me — because I quit a year ago!”
The Reader Premium Member over 2 years ago
Oh dear, Tony! It’s all coming out in today’s cartoon, isn’t it?
distortion over 2 years ago
I did the same thing about two years before I retired.
seanfear over 2 years ago
how brilliant
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member over 2 years ago
The American Dream.
Doug K over 2 years ago
So … if you quit giving me paychecks I’m going to have to stop coming in and working.
jango over 2 years ago
Maybe the company sues him for a year of pay back on those checks he received?
goboboyd over 2 years ago
You haven’t noticed your benefits stopped a year ago?
Sir Ruddy Blighter, Jr. over 2 years ago
I think we all have coworkers like that
dv over 2 years ago
He should have had a work from home job so he didn’t need to do the come in part.
amaneaux over 2 years ago
Sort of a reverse Milton
locake over 2 years ago
That is exactly what he was doing a year ago. Why is he telling anyone now?
popster227 over 2 years ago
We had a sales rep whose numbers just plummeted. At the end of the year he was fired. Turns out he had a job with another company. For a year he drew a base salary and a tiny commission from us while using our company car to make sales calls for his new employer. Not sure how it wound up, but lawyers were involved.
Totalloser Premium Member over 2 years ago
There was a guy in Italy who collected paychecks for 10+ years and never showed up for work once
sisterea over 2 years ago
Yeah I worked with some folks like that only it was 15 years ago, not a year
gopher gofer over 2 years ago
i just kept coming in and not working for the paychecks…
robtgordon over 2 years ago
I used to work with someone who told me “I retired 2 years ago; I just haven’t told anyone yet”.
mbrahms26 over 2 years ago
Whose paychecks??
Teto85 Premium Member over 2 years ago
The only reason the billionaires want everyone to return to the office is that they don’t make their money. You do.