Ziggy by Tom Wilson & Tom II for June 08, 2024

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    ekke  6 months ago

    Already are. Just don’t get any ideas.

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    Ziggy26  6 months ago

    Strangely, the bird ignores the massive unsupervised expanse of the of the bay. Insisting to land instead on a tiny dingy, and asking fisherman Ziggy if they have permission to excrete their business on a small section of said dingy that will have to be cleaned up by our friend at a future time.

    Why would a bird “doo” such a thing?

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    a sage  6 months ago

    The poop deck is the aftermost and highest deck of a ship, especially in a sailing ship where it typically forms the roof of a cabin in the stern. The name originates from the French word for stern, “la poupe,” which comes from Latin “puppis.” Technically, the poop deck is a stern deck, often elevated as the roof of the stern or “after” cabin, also known as the “poop cabin” or simply the poop2. Sailors would often stand on the poop deck to observe the surroundings or perform navigational duties. Ziggy doesn’t have a poop deck.

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  4. Man with x ray glasses
    The Reader Premium Member 6 months ago

    Unrealistic cartoon. Birds never ask!

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    Doug K  6 months ago

    If I had one you could. But I don’t have one. Sorry.

    Have a good day. Goodbye.

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    Strawberry King  6 months ago

    Why not? The seagull and pelican did earlier.

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    Another Take  6 months ago

    HA! They NEVER ask!

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member 6 months ago

    That’s a rare bird. Generally they don’t ask.

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    enigmamz  6 months ago


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    norphos  6 months ago

    I think on a certain level we all think of a “Poop Deck” as being bathroom related.

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    blakerl  6 months ago

    The name originates from the French word for stern, la poupe, from Latin puppis. Thus the poop deck is technically a stern deck. In sailing ships, the toilet was placed in the bow or head somewhat above the water line with vents or slots cut near the floor level allowing normal wave action to wash out the facility. Called the Head.

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