Some developer by me bought ONE set of blueprints and dotted my county with at least 30 or so mostly identical oversize vinyl siding clad 3 1/2 story cracker boxes. They nearly all have a driveway the slopes down to the three-car garage, so they each have a basement swimming pool when it rains. Built in 2005, they were all sold for 300K+, now worth twice that and change, despite the fact they are pretty much all falling apart, failing roofs etc. LOL!
Joe Burrow’s house that was broken into while he was in Dallas for Monday Night Football (which won The Count $193.00). He lives with a Sports Illustrated Swim Suit model named Olivia Ponton. Check her out. Hubba Hubba
Full employment for Maids and butlers, Do those Anime Maids with the short skirts get payed more? Does the King have to import them from Japan? Yep it’s going to cost a lot to keep that MC—Mansion clean!!!
I live in an area with lots of real estate development. “McMansion” was one term used, but the one I liked better was “starter castle”. But I guess that wouldn’t quite work in this strip.
Nobody can afford them anymore. The construction companies build them, sell them to investment capitol corporations to get money to build more. The corporation uses them as collateral to invest in sure to sink startups that they strip mine for profit. And the cycle continues. With people unable to find affordable housing and small business sinking faster than they can by an “Open For Business” sign.
Cornelius Noodleman 1 day ago
They probably live in a Mchovle.
The Duke 1 day ago
Where are the Golden Arches?
cracker65 1 day ago
Eat the rich
j_m_kuehl 1 day ago
if it is real McMansion, Where’s the Golden Arches
drivingfuriously Premium Member 1 day ago
The prices are bad too, a three bedroom, two bath near Chicago for $400,000.
Space_cat about 23 hours ago
Some developer by me bought ONE set of blueprints and dotted my county with at least 30 or so mostly identical oversize vinyl siding clad 3 1/2 story cracker boxes. They nearly all have a driveway the slopes down to the three-car garage, so they each have a basement swimming pool when it rains. Built in 2005, they were all sold for 300K+, now worth twice that and change, despite the fact they are pretty much all falling apart, failing roofs etc. LOL!
flemmingo about 21 hours ago
Hollywood the early years!
baskate_2000 about 21 hours ago
Just wait and see what happens in the 21st century!
Goat from PBS about 21 hours ago
McMansion? Is that like a mansion that sells McDonald’s or just a mansion owned by someone who runs a McDonald’s?
CountOlaf2.0 Premium Member about 20 hours ago
Joe Burrow’s house that was broken into while he was in Dallas for Monday Night Football (which won The Count $193.00). He lives with a Sports Illustrated Swim Suit model named Olivia Ponton. Check her out. Hubba Hubba
elbow macaroni about 20 hours ago
Another CEO palace.
blakerl about 20 hours ago
Full employment for Maids and butlers, Do those Anime Maids with the short skirts get payed more? Does the King have to import them from Japan? Yep it’s going to cost a lot to keep that MC—Mansion clean!!!
pripley about 19 hours ago
I live in an area with lots of real estate development. “McMansion” was one term used, but the one I liked better was “starter castle”. But I guess that wouldn’t quite work in this strip.
rshive about 19 hours ago
No moat?
nsaber about 19 hours ago
Worse yet, that is just the guest cottage…
Will_Scarlet about 19 hours ago
Ain’t that the truth.
rockyridge1977 about 19 hours ago
……might try a Barndominium!!!!!!
jconnors3954 about 19 hours ago
Over compensating a bit?
poppacapsmokeblower about 18 hours ago
Back in 1984, in Denver, McMansions were large, luxury homes built close together on tiny lots.
KEA about 17 hours ago
The thing I don’t understand (one of many) is putting larger and larger houses on smaller and smaller plots.
Vegetable Patch 62/-46 about 17 hours ago
Those look like NFL players clubhouses: one for Gary #52 and the other one is for McGary #76.
Shane and McShane can go to Dill and McDill’s pond.
PoodleGroomer about 16 hours ago
Every ablebody was drafted into castle construction and nobody is working the livestock or fields. Weeds and treebark for Christmas dinner again.
cactusbob333 about 15 hours ago
They all have huge McMortgages.
TimeLordSoundwave about 15 hours ago
I think it’s quite daring to publish an ostensibly funny comic strip WITHOUT a punchline.
62kathleenhicks about 15 hours ago
bwswolf about 14 hours ago
The Wizard wouldn’t have any problem with cleaning ….. just the flick of the wand ….. All clean …. :)
James Noury Premium Member about 14 hours ago
Actually, it’s a McCastle!
M.K.Staffeld about 13 hours ago
Their mansion cleaning staff budget has to be pretty considerable…
Camiyami Premium Member about 13 hours ago
The great and spacious building.
eddi-TBH about 11 hours ago
Nobody can afford them anymore. The construction companies build them, sell them to investment capitol corporations to get money to build more. The corporation uses them as collateral to invest in sure to sink startups that they strip mine for profit. And the cycle continues. With people unable to find affordable housing and small business sinking faster than they can by an “Open For Business” sign.
Strawberry King about 8 hours ago
What’s cooking McDudes?