Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for December 14, 2024

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    Robin Harwood  about 6 hours ago

    Ludvig won’t know he doesn’t like it until he’s tried it.

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  2. Narbicon
    dvandom  about 6 hours ago

    Cats have evolved a taste for Whatever That Is You’re Trying To Eat.

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    Da'Dad  about 6 hours ago

    I question Arlo’s facts. Seen a meme of a cat eating watermelon and the way the eyes just light up when tasting the sweet red part for the first time.

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    Rhetorical_Question   about 5 hours ago

    Cats are exclusive meat eaters, they cannot digest plant matter like starch. They lack the genetic switch necessary to taste sweet things, because they do not need to ingest carbohydrates for energy. They can detect other compounds that are found in meat, unlike humans. In addition, cats have very few taste buds. Humans have about 9000, while cats have under 500. Some big cats, like lions and tigers, are said to have lost most of their ability to distinguish tastes, because they only need to be able to distinguish between edible and inedible meat.

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    gemarie414  about 5 hours ago

    “But I could like. Let me check.”

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    nosirrom  about 5 hours ago

    According to our cats the following must be made with meat.

    Pizza crust, donuts, cantaloupe seed goop, and asparagus.

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    Jesy Bertz Premium Member about 5 hours ago

    Our Siamese, Clue, loves whipped cream. He only gets a little bit occasionally, but when he hears the aerosol can spritz out cream, he comes running.

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    j_m_kuehl  about 4 hours ago

    it must be chocolate mousse

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    uhohlol  about 2 hours ago

    Read the ingredients of most dry cat foods. Cats seem to survive on mostly rice and corn with a little chicken and other meat based meals thrown in.

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