@MARVEE: In case you weren’t logged on when I answered your question, I’ll repeat my answer today:
I’m in New York City but my avatar shows the northwest province of Xinjiang, China as I’m interested in Uyghur culture and very concerned about them. Actually, although my immediate grandparents are Eastern European Jews. my Y-chromosome DNA says my male-line ancestors come from there or nearby Central Asia.
PHANTOM: Looks like the plane is flying east…??? Wouldn’t Mexico to China flight, over the Pacific, be westbound? MARY WORTH: Considering Mary has just had her wallet stolen, is this going to be an ID theft storyline?MARK TRAIL: I wouldn’t be comfortable around a bear of that size..even with the muzzle. I found this bit of info: “Grizzly and brown bears are the same species, but ‘brown’ is used to describe bears in coastal areas and ‘grizzly’ for bears in the interior.”MANDRAKE: $15,000 would make Tex “wealthy”? (see 11/1) Am I misreading the figure?JUDGE PARKER: Randy looks bemused?FUNKY W.: The character speaks out in defense of video games. I’m relatively new to FW, so I don’t know who the character is.APT. 3-G: Yawn.
Apartment 3-G – What are Tommie and Margo thinking?Funky Winkerbean – This strip is getting way too preachy. I want to be entertained by the comics, not subjected to Hollywood propaganda.Judge Parker – Busted!Mandrake – You’re kidding, right? $15,000? You want to build a mall? Add three zeroes to that and we’ll talk!Annie – Here’s the link to Today’s Annie .
Funky Winkerbean – that’s John Howard, owner of the Comic Book Emporium. He has a small apartment above the comic store. He may have moved out and converted it into a “gaming” room as I think he has married.Mandrake – I agree the small sum isn’t very realistic. Apartment 3-G – too tired and tipsy to talk to parents
A3G – What did they put in her drink? Or maybe she’s not used to drinking wine. Oklahoma is an hour ealier than NY so it might still be a good time to call and she better do it soon. If she had a close relationship with her parents, they would know she had met someone special.Rex – Finally, the word ‘danger’. Better get moving.Judge – Balloons are confusing. It must be Sam saying the last one too, in a rather sarcastic tone, I think.MW – The latest security technology? How about opening your eyes!Mandrake – Mandrake looks suspicious 15K not nearly what the land is worth for development and it wouldn’t solve many money problems for very long.Funky – Comic books, radio & TV shows, video games – they’ve all been blamed for juvenile delinquency. I believe thay do have an effect but don’t effect everyone the same way. A strong family is still the best solution.Mark Trail – So the bear is tame (relatively). Does Mother McQueen have any more secrets?
Rex- As Summer thinks she’s at the mall with her girlfriends,probably won’t look for her till she misses her 6 o’clock deadline to be home. The principal will know the phone #’s ofthe girls moms, so the hunt can begin.
2-1/2G- Ah, good old wine, works everytime- they shared two bottles , so, as she’s not used to drinking 3 or 4 glasses- sheis ready for beddy
MW- Well, Toby’s got the lunch tab, whether she wants it or not! :-)
JP- I was going to mention that to you, but didn’t think $3200was any big deal…. :-)
Rex – I’m not sure that the girls Kelly said she was meeting at the mall are the ones at the party. She didn’t seem to know the other people there. Niki got a phone message that he ignored but I would be surprised if he was invited to that party.
arye uygur about 13 years ago
@MARVEE: In case you weren’t logged on when I answered your question, I’ll repeat my answer today:
I’m in New York City but my avatar shows the northwest province of Xinjiang, China as I’m interested in Uyghur culture and very concerned about them. Actually, although my immediate grandparents are Eastern European Jews. my Y-chromosome DNA says my male-line ancestors come from there or nearby Central Asia.
florchi about 13 years ago
PHANTOM: Looks like the plane is flying east…??? Wouldn’t Mexico to China flight, over the Pacific, be westbound? MARY WORTH: Considering Mary has just had her wallet stolen, is this going to be an ID theft storyline?MARK TRAIL: I wouldn’t be comfortable around a bear of that size..even with the muzzle. I found this bit of info: “Grizzly and brown bears are the same species, but ‘brown’ is used to describe bears in coastal areas and ‘grizzly’ for bears in the interior.”MANDRAKE: $15,000 would make Tex “wealthy”? (see 11/1) Am I misreading the figure?JUDGE PARKER: Randy looks bemused?FUNKY W.: The character speaks out in defense of video games. I’m relatively new to FW, so I don’t know who the character is.APT. 3-G: Yawn.
davidf42 about 13 years ago
Apartment 3-G – What are Tommie and Margo thinking?Funky Winkerbean – This strip is getting way too preachy. I want to be entertained by the comics, not subjected to Hollywood propaganda.Judge Parker – Busted!Mandrake – You’re kidding, right? $15,000? You want to build a mall? Add three zeroes to that and we’ll talk!Annie – Here’s the link to Today’s Annie .
Teh Premium Member about 13 years ago
Funky Winkerbean – that’s John Howard, owner of the Comic Book Emporium. He has a small apartment above the comic store. He may have moved out and converted it into a “gaming” room as I think he has married.Mandrake – I agree the small sum isn’t very realistic. Apartment 3-G – too tired and tipsy to talk to parents
marvee about 13 years ago
A3G – What did they put in her drink? Or maybe she’s not used to drinking wine. Oklahoma is an hour ealier than NY so it might still be a good time to call and she better do it soon. If she had a close relationship with her parents, they would know she had met someone special.Rex – Finally, the word ‘danger’. Better get moving.Judge – Balloons are confusing. It must be Sam saying the last one too, in a rather sarcastic tone, I think.MW – The latest security technology? How about opening your eyes!Mandrake – Mandrake looks suspicious 15K not nearly what the land is worth for development and it wouldn’t solve many money problems for very long.Funky – Comic books, radio & TV shows, video games – they’ve all been blamed for juvenile delinquency. I believe thay do have an effect but don’t effect everyone the same way. A strong family is still the best solution.Mark Trail – So the bear is tame (relatively). Does Mother McQueen have any more secrets?
SWEETBILL about 13 years ago
Rex- As Summer thinks she’s at the mall with her girlfriends,probably won’t look for her till she misses her 6 o’clock deadline to be home. The principal will know the phone #’s ofthe girls moms, so the hunt can begin.
2-1/2G- Ah, good old wine, works everytime- they shared two bottles , so, as she’s not used to drinking 3 or 4 glasses- sheis ready for beddy
MW- Well, Toby’s got the lunch tab, whether she wants it or not! :-)
JP- I was going to mention that to you, but didn’t think $3200was any big deal…. :-)
SWEETBILL about 13 years ago
@florchi, check out SS poetry on B&E, reminds me of WW’sgood stuff……………………….
marvee about 13 years ago
Rex – I’m not sure that the girls Kelly said she was meeting at the mall are the ones at the party. She didn’t seem to know the other people there. Niki got a phone message that he ignored but I would be surprised if he was invited to that party.
SWEETBILL about 13 years ago
@marve, no their not the girls at the party she was to meet at the mall, that was a excuse to get out of the house that mommie would believe…………………..