He must have changed sports Chicago Bears wide receiver Sam Hurd was locked up in federal custody Thursday as his stunned teammates learned he had been charged with trying to set up a drug-dealing network following his arrest with more than a pound of cocaine.
pouncingtiger almost 13 years ago
What a baby.
bvallinino almost 13 years ago
I wish he would a hockey cartoon!!! I HATE basketball.
bvallinino almost 13 years ago
I wish he would do a Hockey cartoon. I HATE basketball.
jtviper7 almost 13 years ago
He must have changed sports Chicago Bears wide receiver Sam Hurd was locked up in federal custody Thursday as his stunned teammates learned he had been charged with trying to set up a drug-dealing network following his arrest with more than a pound of cocaine.
V-Beast almost 13 years ago
dont they ever call traveling any more?(simpson reference)