Frazz by Jef Mallett for July 17, 2012

  1. Me 2 22 2012
    Harryfan  over 12 years ago

    They don’t actually rest on the rest day. They just don’t race. The rest day is for the officials.

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    Varnes  over 12 years ago

    Awe, come on, go for a beer. What’s wrong with you guys? Schools out! Go for it kids!

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    Seed_drill  over 12 years ago

    We got our ride rained out last night, so I was kind of bummed, too.

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    richardj  over 12 years ago

    Go for ice cream and beer! One the great things about distance cycling is thinking not about whether you’ve eaten too much, but whether you’ve eaten enough.

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    davidh48  over 12 years ago

    Try Martha’s, in George, WAI wish we had a good old ice cream parlor in upscale Bellevue. But, Cold Stone Creamery in Factoria is good.

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    Potrzebie  over 12 years ago

    I wish I could ride my bike with my kid to DQ, but it’s 10-15 minutes away by car!!!!

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    ecvogel  over 12 years ago

    Treat Dreams is in Downtown Ferndale, Michigan. They make the ice cream there and continuously have a rotating unique flavors you can’t get anywhere else. If you want to try them, plan your vacation at so you do not miss things like the awesome Detroit Zoo (nearby) and the Bat Zone (same, but not walking distance.)

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