I really don’t like it when people criticize comic strips, I feel they should just not read them, and move on. However, I must say I prefer the “no eyes” on “Chuckle Brothers” to the “holes for eyes” here. They really creep me out. ~What do you think dillio?
gobblingup Premium Member about 12 years ago
I’m happy to work if it means I have a warm house, food on the table and a nice place to hang out.
whtwilson Premium Member about 12 years ago
And beer right? Can’t forget about beer
surfdocer about 12 years ago
sun just gets a little lower every yearl
Molly mcgee about 12 years ago
I really don’t like it when people criticize comic strips, I feel they should just not read them, and move on. However, I must say I prefer the “no eyes” on “Chuckle Brothers” to the “holes for eyes” here. They really creep me out. ~What do you think dillio?